
Well Known Member
I have a steam gauge (engine) RV-8 that I'm in the process if gathering everything together to do a panel redo. I had planned to do the full panel change in the fall as my EMS D-10 won't be available until mid-summer and I was going to wait for cooler weather to do the install which would include running all the wires for the Dynon harness and sensors. Now that we are all in isolation and I am searching for something to do, is there any reason that I couldn't go ahead and run the harness and just not hook anything up? Currently, the airplane only has CHT and EGT on one cylinder so, I guess I could even install the sensors on the other cylinders but again, just not connect them. If I did this, I could keep flying the airplane through the summer and get a big jump on the panel install this fall.

This is possible but you'll have to be very careful to ensure that the boxes, sensors, etc will fit where you think they will and that you have the appropriate reach for all bundles as needed. Dynon may have some blanks you can borrow to lay it out. Still, don't be surprised when your best laid plan comes undone when one wiring bundle doesn't quite fit as you thought it would.

Certainly you can do the EGT/CHT sensor install and not hook them all up, but that doesn't take long anyway and you'd be putting wear on them with no benefit.