
Well Known Member
I have to report that I am busy all day glueing my RV-7 together and after a few beers, I retreat inside from the Australian heat and check the forum.

But all you blokes on the otherside of the pond are in bed asleep and the conversation is decidedly onesided.

Would someone please stay awake in the USA to stimulate the discussion. Anyone for insomnia.

some of us are awake and working all night here.

topic: protecting the flaps from rocks and whatnot.

Anyone have problems with rocks dinging up the flaps on gravel airstrips or other non improved landing sites?
If so, has anyone considered attaching a carbon fiber shield like thing to the underside of the wing and flap, just above and behind the tires? It could be strong enough to absorb and deflect the impacts, Light and thin enough to not cause airflow problems. comments?

Stay awake

Hey Pete, those of us on the other other side of the pond are awake...

BTW, if you stay up for a few more hours, there will be lots of people in the US to chat with!

Also, if you are gluing your RV7 together, I would guess that you had the beers before you started. Tomorrow, I recommend you try using rivets. :)
Pete, We are just getting up in Boston! Too early for me to have a beer with you, but I don't think anyone would notice some Kaluah in my coffee!

:) CJ
Yep, good morning all around.. Been up for an hour and a half, and at work for 45 minutes.. plenty of time for RV daydreaming. :)
First Flight Suggestion....

Pete - very nice paint job! Just a thought here, but you'll probably get a much more impressive first flight if you put a prop on that thing..... :p :D

'morning all! Where's the coffee....

I can't afford coffee anymore, that's a gallon of gas. I'm drinking coca cola right now. If I drink enough of them the stomach ache keeps me awake.

I have some old friends in Melbourne, never been there to visit.
Ironflight said:
Pete - very nice paint job! Just a thought here, but you'll probably get a much more impressive first flight if you put a prop on that thing..... :p :D

A rudder and wing tips would be a good idea, too. :D

Good luck with the first flight Pete!

fodrv7 said:
I have to report that I am busy all day glueing my RV-7 together and after a few beers, I retreat inside from the Australian heat and check the forum.

But all you blokes on the otherside of the pond are in bed asleep and the conversation is decidedly onesided.

Would someone please stay awake in the USA to stimulate the discussion. Anyone for insomnia.

Of pete. Give me a time.

OK where are you?

Some of us yanks never sleep it seems. Before I retired we often had to communicate with our spacecraft when it was only within view of the DSS-34 station in your country or DSS-54 in Spain. We used to call commanding after midnight and before 04:00 PST an apple fritter worthy time period. We had a small team and worked our regular shift regardless of the night duties. I lost any sleep connection with the sun or clock but it was a proud time - (sigh). I think i'll do a hundred pushups and go back to bed.

Bob Axsom
Geography 101.

I spent half my life trying to stay awake at the sharp end on 16hr Hong Kong-LAX or worse Hong Kong - Toronto. Toronto time is twelve hours from HK Time. Great for the body clock.
Anyway, no more red wine tonight. As Dave says; Better stick the prop on.............. tomorrow.
construction error?

There is something very, very wrong with your RV... but I just can't put a finger on it... ah, yes... you forgot to install the nosewheel!! :D
Good luck on your first flight.
Blinkered Vision.

Come on Guys.
All this blinkered vision for RVs.
No one has noticed my mates aeroplane (?) in the background.
I know you are not asleep, as its 1440hrs in Aurora and 1740hrs in Boston.
Pete of Morning Coffee.
Bugle it is

Confirmative. My mate Gerry's Beagle.
He also owns an immaculate RV-8.
I just did a Google Earth search and it shows a Torquay way north of Sydney? I looked around Melbourne and found Point Cook Airport. Close?
Am I seeing dozens of golf courses around Melbourne? Looks like Palm Springs.
Two Golf Courses

I looked around Melbourne and found Point Cook Airport. Close?
Am I seeing dozens of golf courses around Melbourne? Looks like Palm Springs.

Close. On the coast.
Two Golf course. One either side of the town.