
Well Known Member
I'm wondering if anyone has heard anything further from Tom or anyone at ACS&S? I think we all got the email saying the order was processed, and is backordered (or being shipped if you were early on the buy). I still don't have a charge on my ccard, but the email said I the order was posted and charged.

Anyone else know what's going on?

I called up my credit card company for a totally different reason the other day, and they said the last activity on my card was Aircraft Spruce for $1.00. I don't see that on my online statement. I am assuming that it was some sort of a check to make sure the credit card was valid, and they will charge me the full amount when the item ships.
I just checked my order status on the web and it now indicates that my A210 is backordered and expected to be at Spruce on 15 November. I was one of the last to order, I'm sure, so maybe this only affects the last few of us. ???
A210 BO

My A210 is still back-ordered. I ordered mine a good 3 weeks before the Oct 12 deadline, I am not sure when you ordered has anything to do with who is BO. I do not need mine anytime soon, I just want to admire my radio as it is the first item for my panel I have purchased.

I ordered mine as soon as Spruce opened up on the first day of the sale. Mine is one of the back ordered ones. Guess it is a who you know type of thing. Hole in panel waiting for something to fill it up.

Steve Eberhart - RV-7A doing all of the 1000 things that need to be done after the build is finished.
I just checked my order status on the web and it now indicates that my A210 is backordered and expected to be at Spruce on 15 November. I was one of the last to order, I'm sure, so maybe this only affects the last few of us. ???

My A210 is backordered also and shows 15 Nov as date to be at A/C Spruce. I ordered my on the morning of the first day that A/C Spruce started taking orders. Maybe they are going alphabetically?
A210 on the way

I came back from a trip last night and the email says my radio is on the way with a projected delivery date of 5 Nov. It shipped 31 Oct. Also Spruce finally answered an email question about my order, they said they expect their order in 1 Nov. (yesterday). We all should see our radios soon. :D

Mine is scheduled for delivery Friday. I have three UPS trucks following each other to Indiana from the west coast. Classic Aero Interior arriving Thursday, Icom A-210 Friday and my weekly order from Van's on Monday. Already putting together next weeks Wicks order. My building partner and hangar mate, who's RV-7 has been flying for a year and a half, calls this the slippery slope to completion.

Steve Eberhart, RV-7A working on body work, Interior, panel, firewall forward and who knows what else...trying to finish up everything.
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Mine just came on Monday. Boy does it look nice! It is absolutely loaded with features.

One thing that the manual seems to play up more than the A200's manual did is the intercom feature. I've heard that the built in intercom was pretty worthless on the A200, but I wonder if the same will be true for the A210. You can manually control both squelches, it has ports for audio entertainment, and so on.

Regardless, I'm really looking forward to this radio!
Got a call from UPS today. Says they need a signature but they refused to give me a time they might deliver on Thursday.

"It'll be sometimes between 8am and 7pm, that's all we can tell you," they said.

I wonder what the bosses at UPS would say if one of their people said, "I can't come to work today, I'm staying home to wait for a delivery from UPS sometime between 8am and 7pm?;)
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Cool. It's finally arrived. Of course, I have no clue what I'm supposed to do now. One of these days, I've got to get one. A clue, that is.

The intercom works really well, you will be pleased. The only 'problem' is the Dual Watch.... it is really only 'Dual Monitor' because if it picks up something on standby it stays there indefinetly. There is no priority to the main active channel. The screen is fantastic (especially viewing angle) but in a low wing you will have trouble reading in full sunlight, the display is not as good as say a Garmin 327 transponder. Sub modes a little fiddley but you will get the hand of it. Draws 0.5 amps on standby so no good for a plane with no electrics. Also has a DB15 connector which is interesting
Just want to make sure I understand your statement completely.
Are you saying that if you are in dual mode and listening to AWOS (for example) on standby frequency and you are called by the tower on ground frequency, which is your main frequency, that you will not hear it ?

I received my A210 a few days ago, but may be a few months before I get to install it.

The only 'problem' is the Dual Watch.... it is really only 'Dual Monitor' because if it picks up something on standby it stays there indefinetly. There is no priority to the main active channel.
Just want to make sure I understand your statement completely.
Are you saying that if you are in dual mode and listening to AWOS (for example) on standby frequency and you are called by the tower on ground frequency, which is your main frequency, that you will not hear it ?

I might not be understanding what Michael is saying, but I just got back from a flight where I had the local Approach frequency in the prime window, and the AWOS for my local airport in the Standby slot. I punched "Dual" to listen to AWOS< and still heard Approach without any problem, at the same time as the AWOS I am used to listening and understanding several conversations at one time.....). I didn't try transmitting on either, so I am not sure if picking up something on the Standby changes anything in that regard, but to me, it seems that "Dual"{ is like having two receivers tuned to different frequencies, which is what I want....

Just my experience so far.


From our testing of the radio once it locked on to the AWOS on the standby frequency you would not come back to the primary frequency.

If the AWOS was continually transmitting (as they do) it would stay on that frequency indefinitely and would not come back to check the primary frequency.

This is different than the way dual watch is meant to work, dual watch is meant to have the primary frequency as the priority channel at all times, if you're listening to the AWOS on the standby frequency and somebody transmits on the primary frequency then it is meant to return immediately back to the primary frequency.

The two radios we have checked do not do this, they stay locked out on the secondary frequency indefinitely until the transmission stops which does not happen when receiving an AWOS, bad luck if the tower tries to contact you.