
Well Known Member
That access panel is awesome, and it seems many -8 builders incorporate it. Are there "plans" somewhere on exactly how to do it, or does everybody roll their own?

Everybody basically rolls their own, but it's a commmon-enough mod that there are plenty of examples and dozens (maybe hundreds?) of photos out there. You might try Googling (or doing a search on this forum) for "RV-8 avionics access" or other related search terms.

Also, Grov-Air now offers an actual kit for that mod. You can see photos of it here.

An access door of some kind is pretty much a no-brainer upgrade, if you ask me. Should be a standard kit feature. :)
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Buck - I just looked at the pictures of the Grov-Air access panel kit. Do you think it would be possible to retrofit a flying -8 with that access panel? There is almost nothing mounted in that area except a manifold pressure sensor now. I would have to take some adle clamps off along the bottom so I could move the wiring out of the way though.
Do you think it would be possible to retrofit a flying -8 with that access panel?

I think their kit only includes the door, doubler plate, hinge and hardware -- not the entire bulkhead. So in theory you could install it in an already flying airplane. It certainly wouldn't be easy, since you'd have limited access while reaching through the baggage door and underneath/through the instrument panel.

I'd contact Troy Grover and get his opinion. He might have done that kind of installation already. His contact information is on his web site.

What--exactly--are you using as a wing cover in that first photo? :eek::(


Try to keep it holstered there Joe. Not a wing cover, I arranged Old Glory for a photo op. Rest assured, nothing foreign ever touched the hallowed colors while briefly resting upon the wing. ;)

Never even drew it ;)

Figured there was a reasonable explanation, just worded it wrongly in my post...thanks for not slammin' me to hard.


PS Cool pic BTW!