
Well Known Member
I am a little gun shy with static ports, as I had some issues on my 6A.

On my 2nd hand RV-10 QB kit, the previous owner put the static ports one full bulkhead forward of where the plans show them, though the dimensions from the longeron and bulkhead were correct. I assume it was just an error, though he may know something I don't.

The real question is whether I can just cap off the current forward rivet shaped ports or do I need to grind them flat and fill it. My concern is turbulence. I am sure the rivet head creates some moderate turbulence and separation. I just don't know whether the air will stabilize again before it hits that next static port 2 feet directly behind it.

I thought some of the aeronautical engineers may know.

I do not recall the placement point.

I believe there are plenty of other factors that prevent laminar flow that far back on the (any) fuselage.

The slipstream is generally at ambient pressure as long it isn't flowing around the wing or the canopy.

Your goal is to get an "ambient" pressure source for the static.

I doubt the "proper" placement, behind the first, will cause a measureable effect.

My $0.02 !! :^)
FWIW, Some RV-7s have been built with the ports i bulkhead off to the front because of some confusion.The plans that came with the ports had 6 instructions on one side of the sheet and 7 instructions on the other side so mistakes were made. Doesn't seem to make a difference or at least enough to worry about it. It's more important to have the domed ports as you probably do. Just an observation and an opinion.