Skybolt Al

Well Known Member
The plans don't call for a hole and bushing thru bulkhead 705 (seatback support) for the static line. How do you route the line if it doesn't pass thru under the longeron?
This was something missing from the -7 instructions too. I ended up just drilling a hole through the big stack of thick angles there on the seat back.

I ran mine down to the floor below the push/pull rod, through snap bushings in the empenage bulkheads near the floor. Then through the center tunnel between the seats. I have two pass through holes through the spar carry through directly below the fuel valve that allow the static line and wiring for lights, etc. to run along the center section up to the firewall then up from there to the back of the panel.
I ran mine down to the floor below the push/pull rod, through snap bushings in the empenage bulkheads near the floor. Then through the center tunnel between the seats. I have two pass through holes through the spar carry through directly below the fuel valve that allow the static line and wiring for lights, etc. to run along the center section up to the firewall then up from there to the back of the panel.

I would recommend a drain if you do this. You are going to create a definite low spot where water will accumulate. Aircraft Spruce sells a great little bulb-type thing that can be used for catching and then draining water.
I would recommend a drain if you do this. You are going to create a definite low spot where water will accumulate. Aircraft Spruce sells a great little bulb-type thing that can be used for catching and then draining water.
Interesting you bring this up. I just got my new Kit Planes magazine in the mail yesterday. I open it up and there is an article by Stein (I really like reading your stuff Stein!) about static lines. And what does he talk about but moisture in the lines. He mentioned the RV's do not generally have problems with this because the port is the low point in the system. I read that, then had to read it again. What? Mine isn't that way. Did I do something different than what is called for? So here I am this morning reading the forums (man, I need to send Doug my overdue payment right now) and you guys are talking about exactly what I was thinking about.

Jamie, thanks for your very timely post. I am going to see if I might need to re-route my line or at least look up that "bulb-type thing" right now.
2006 1st RVator issue...

...and the "27 Years of the RVator", page 317, contain a script (and pictures) from Van's about running the static lines from the aft mounted static port forward through the various bulkheads.
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Routing static line thru 705...

I drilled a 9/32" hole just under the fuse top "deck" on the left side, thru the angles and beefy aluminum located there. The static tubing fed thru there perfectly tight, with no slop for moving around or chafing the tubing. The 1/4" tubing then runs under that top deck (some call it the canopy deck on a T/U) all the way fwd to the panel. Worked like a charm.
Lines under Seats

had a big problem with water and had my lines under the seats. Installed the water seperator from Spruce and it helped a little. Moved my lines under the longeron and it fixed the problem.
had a big problem with water and had my lines under the seats. Installed the water seperator from Spruce and it helped a little. Moved my lines under the longeron and it fixed the problem.
As stated earlier above, I am so glad for Skybolt Al's posting of this thread. It is extremely timely for my build. Since I did not follow Van's routing I am going to go back and reroute my lines to avoid this issue.

I think I will learn from your mistake (I really thank you for making it before me!:p). I don't want to go down that road. I think I have just avoided a future problem just by reading this thread.
Thanks for the info. I'll go ahead and drill the bulkhead for the static line up in the corner like the picture shows.
water seperator from Spruce and it helped a little. Moved my lines under the longeron and it fixed the problem.

I would recommend a drain if you do this. You are going to create a definite low spot where water will accumulate. Aircraft Spruce sells a great little bulb-type thing

I looked in Spruce and could not find the drain. Could you provide the part number?

I have mine running under the floor down the middle. No water issues in 4 years but the plane is hangered all the time (except at OSH) and I fly very little through the rain. Still will add the drain as I think it is a good idea.
I was forewarned

My friend Mike who is ahead of me on his build let me in on the tip on putting a hole into the bulkhead for the static line to pass through. I made the hole while I was assembling the bulkhead with the knowledge that the static line would pass through there eventually.
I looked in Spruce and could not find the drain. Could you provide the part number?

I have mine running under the floor down the middle. No water issues in 4 years but the plane is hangered all the time (except at OSH) and I fly very little through the rain. Still will add the drain as I think it is a good idea.
After this thread opened I ordered this pitot/static sump from Spruce. Unless I am wrong this is the part Jamie is referring to.