
I haven't really gotten a good answer on this from anybody. What are peoples thoughts on travel to the airport to work on a plane? The Virginia order says essential travel only, but I feel like working alone in the hangar doesn't violate any kind of social distancing rules. Just wondering what people think in case I have to try to talk myself out of some sort of fine. :rolleyes:
I actually asked our airport manager out here in No California and he is encouraging pilots to fly. I am going out tomorrow

Is the airport on the way to somewhere essential? Is there something essential in the hangar that you need to get?
Not suggesting you violate any laws, just don't do anything that creates unnecessary risk to others or yourself, or gives anyone cause to dob you in.
went out to the airport today and my key card didn't work, possibly because it requires use of a fingerprint reader. Snuck in via the FBO. At the airline terminal, they're testing all incoming passengers. Not sure what that has to do with my hangar...

Statewide shutdown tomorrow evening. Not sure where to go flying tomorrow, but somewhere!

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If someone stops me I'm on the way to the grocery store. I flew today, stopped at Alice International (KALI). The terminal was open but the only person around was a guy waiting for JETA delivery and the airport cat. Found out that the old guy who had the P51 never actually got a chance to fly it before he died, only taxied it around once in a while.:(
I've been going to my hanger pretty frequently. My airport is pretty quiet. I'm self isolating in my hanger and more than happy to do so!
I haven't really gotten a good answer on this from anybody. What are peoples thoughts on travel to the airport to work on a plane? The Virginia order says essential travel only, but I feel like working alone in the hangar doesn't violate any kind of social distancing rules. Just wondering what people think in case I have to try to talk myself out of some sort of fine. :rolleyes:

Consider the hangar your home! :D
In CA...

Here in California we’re forbidden to leave the home county (even to go to work, unless the job is essential) and we're not to go to a second home. It’s not clear if we can go to our hangars. If you apply a bit of tortured logic, maybe someone could claim they’re on their on their way to maintain an airplane, as part of the national transportation system. Auto repair businesses are considered essential, so airplane maintenance is essential, too... right? We have a periodic condition inspection due at the end of April. Besides that, airplanes need to be flown at least once a month to keep the engine healthy. Once a week is better.
So far, no checkpoints or random traffic stops here.
My $.02. Your mileage will certainly vary.
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I'm not about to call and ask if I can go to the airport/fly. I don't want anyone in a position of authority to even think of airports or general aviation. I feel like if ones starts making calls and asking... might unnecessarily stir up a hornets nest. Beside, In my hangar, (and the plane), I'm alone just like at home. I did take an LED flash light and checked every square inch of the hangar and I'm happy to report there were no signs of CV! I do know what they look like too.... I've seen pictures of 'em on the net. :)
The weathers been beautiful along the gulf coast the last few days and I've.... whispered.... been off the planet a few times. Here's a photo I took just last night at sunset.

Edited: Yesterday was the 8th anniversary of my first flight! It was a dream, is a dream and flies like a dream.

IMG_2572 by Paul Gray, on Flickr
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Can't address flying, since I'm a PPL student... But I do go to the hangar almost every day to work on the airplane. Can't get much more socially distant. As long as outdoor activities are allowed, I'll continue to get work done as I can.

Glad my last flight was my solo... :D
I feel the home orders are meant to limit exposure to people and public surfaces (think doorknobs and shopping carts).

I feel like if I can do a task and not come in contact with any person or touch a surface that isn't mine, I'm OK.
Mixed messages from the County

I'm at KRHV in San Jose, California, part of Santa Clara County. On one hand the County has ordered us to stay home except for essential activities. Failure to do so could theoretically result in a fine or jail.

On the other hand the County (airport department) says they are open for business. And they're sure not giving me any discount on the outrageous hangar rent. (Yeah, I asked. Hah.)
I'm not about to call and ask if I can go to the airport/fly. I don't want anyone in a position of authority to even think of airports or general aviation. I feel like if ones starts making calls and asking... might unnecessarily stir up a hornets nest.


I'm about as alone as one can get when in the hangar or the plane. Last thing I would do is start asking some low-level bureaucrat for *permission*.

On the other hand, I am starting to see way too many groups of dudes together here at the airport, in 2s and 3s and larger, doing whatever they do. Keep it up, fellas, and that's the sort of thing that will get the airport closed...

Just sayin'...

I go to the hanger every day and fly every day that is possible can?t imagine anything more fun than that good luck out there and stay safe of course I?ve been doing this for the last 25 years still can?t wait to get to the airport and go flying I was a bit pretty bad
In Wisconsin we are allowed to leave the house for "recreational activities " so long as they don't contradict social distancing guidelines. I would define going to the airport and flying as within both the letter and the spirit of that order.

Dennis Martin