
I'm New Here
Looking to start a 9A soon as a new builder and was curious as experienced builders, would you start with the empennage kit or another part of the kit first? I’ve seen builders do it differently and wonder if that is based on experience or preference.
Looking to start a 9A soon as a new builder and was curious as experienced builders, would you start with the empennage kit or another part of the kit first? I’ve seen builders do it differently and wonder if that is based on experience or preference.

They sell you the emp. first so you can learn and practice your building skills. They hold your hand through this first kit and progressively less as you move farther into the build. This first kit is also the least expensive if for some reason you abandon the build because you find out your not a "builder" but a "flyer". If you start with the next kit before the emp kit, you'll be behind the learning curve.
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I agree with ^^^

Start with the emp. You will learn almost every skill needed to build the rest of the plane at a much cheaper cost.

Start with empennage. In fact, start with the Vertical tabilizer.
Cheapest parts o replace and easiest to build. Horizontal has issues. They are still working on the most recent SB
The emp kit is first for a reason. It's very forgiving of mistakes, and easy to fix those mistakes - and it's cheap. If you find out that building is not for you, it's not so bad to walk away at that point.

The instructions are VERY detailed for the emp kit, and get less detailed later on - so you'll be missing some key parts as a first-time builder if you start with something else.