Well Known Member
I installed the latest flywheel with initial starting at 3 degrees ATDC. I have had to change starting procedure since then. I schedule Flyouts, and the plane will sit for say 1 - 1 1/2 hours. The engine core is still fairly warm ( even in colder climate ). It would not stay running the way it use to. After a few test, I found out if I give it a little throttle, it starts just fine and stays running. Hope this helps.

Why did you change flywheels? Was it to address an issue or just an upgrade. If the latter it seems it validates the old rule ?If it ain?t broke don?t fix it.?

Why did I change it - - - -

After bragging about my 10 year old battery still being good, at 10 years and 1 month, it started to show signs of getting tired. It kicked back one time while starting, and I knew it was what causes the starting sprag to fail. Yes, I bought a new battery, but decided it was a worthwhile project. It starts with much less of an "explosion" than before. Since my climate can be very cold in the winter, if I set too long at the restaurant, the oil could get stiffer, and turn over slower and might kick back again. I have seen one with a bad sprag. Costly to fix at that point, even if you take the engine off your self. In a warmer climate, likely would not have done it. Yes, a lot of work.