
Well Known Member
I am wiring up my starter relay. The VANS wiring diagram shows the "I" connection going to a stud on the starter. I have the lightweight Skytech which doesn't appear to have an appropriate stud. From what I can make out, this connection is just the earth for the activation circuit, with the "S" connection coming from the starter switch.

Is it OK to earth this to any convenient point on the firewall or is there some good reason it needs to earth at the starter?
Thanks for the link.

The earth from the case of the starter is presumably for the load circuit. None of the diagrams show any earth for the fourth ("I") terminal on the starter solenoid control circuit. Or does it somehow earth internally?
It gets its ground through the mount itself. The "I" terminal on my installation sends 12v+ to Slick Start and also to "Starter On" panel LED through a fuse. You don't want that running to ground unless you like letting the smoke out of your starter contactor/wires.
Thanks. All is now clear. I assumed that the "I" terminal was the ground side of the activation circuit :eek: I see now why Skytec don't appreciate VANS wiring diagram - confused the **** out of me!

I like the idea of using it for a starter warning light.
OK, now I'm rewiring my setup and should have made note of this but didn't. I have an ACS key switch and am wondering whether the wire from the switch to the starter solenoid goes to the S or the I terminal? The S terminal is grounded through a fusible link, so presuming the power is coming through the ACS switch, my reasoning is that power from the ACS switch must connect to the I terminal. Somebody please tell me whether this is correct or not. If not, how does this wiring work?

p.s. Skytech site is clear as mud so don't point me there unless you can explain Van's diagram.

From ACS key switch term 4 (S), the 18 ga wire should go to "S" at start solenoid. There is a diode that goes between "S" and Ground with the red band. The red heat shrink band end attaches at "S" terminal.
Actually,the Skytech site isn't bad once you work it out. The problem is the VANS wiring diagram which is all over the place. I think the issue is that the use of the jumper stud on the starter has been changed. Whereas it used to have something to do with the initiation circuit, it is now used as a 12/24v jumper.

The activation wire from the starter switch goes to "S". Also from "S" is a diode which goes to ground - I used the solenoid attach bolt. Power comes from the #2 battery wire and this stud also has the #8 to your master switch. Output is the #2 wire to the main stud on the starter. The "I" also puts out 12v when the relay is energised and, as Wayne pointed out, can be used for the SlickStart and/or a warning light.

Hope this clarifies things - had me head-scratching for a while too.....
Darn ...

...sorry I missed this thread back in August. I just went thru EXACTLY the same problem and thought process in June ... I found it just as non-intuitive as you, for exactly the same reasons.