
Active Member
Now for a question. The deburring has really been a non issue for me with the awesome tools from Isham. That little swivel deburring tool knocks those edges right off of the ribs.

My ribs even came fluted right from Vans and were all perfect except one!

The front and rear spar doublers were a different story. right along the rivet lines (top and bottom) there is a little "scribe type" mark. The scratch looks like a line for drilling the holes and is very superficial. In fact, I can't even feel the "scratches" with a fingernail.

Should I take the time to worry about sanding these? If so I can't imagine the time it will take to sand off every little scratch in all the pieces for the entire airframe.

How perfect is necessary?
If they don't go through the alclad surface, I wouldn't worry about them. Not sure what they might be other than grab lines from the cutting/stamping process.

ive seen this

if you cant feel it then it should be good...mine had a line right down the middle just as you mention hit it with the scotch brite and still there. you can tell its a manufacturing mark. but i buit on :rolleyes:the alclad provide no strenth at all so if its not through the alclad then its ok.the alclad is .002 vans
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