
Well Known Member
Well, after looking at all those panel mock-ups, here's what I've come up with. The transponder will probably end up below the D120 EMS. Initially I was hoping to put a map box in, but I don't want things to get crowded. Switches will go under the Trutrak EFIS, cb's will go on the right side, ignition swith in the upper left corner. I was really blown away by TT's efis at last year's SnF. The resolution is what sold me. I also want to keep it fairly simple, the plane will be VFR day/night only. The stack is ;

Garmin496 in an air gizmo
PMA 9000ex- Had their PMA6000 in my Mooney, really liked it
Garmin SL30 - I gotta have vor capability :)I'll get an indicator at some point under the auto pilot
Icom A210- I know both these radios have monitoring features, but I like having 2 separate units
Narco AT 165 digital Tx

Dynon EMSD120

Whadya think?

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A couple of thoughts

Just a suggestion but you've got quite a panel mix there. Why not try to stay with one brand of radios? Consider a Garmin 340 audio panel, Garmin SL30, SL40 and a Garmin 327 (or 330 if you want traffic). If not Garmin, Icom or something. Be sure to tie your 496 into one of the radios for instant frequency importing. Cool feature.

The next thought is switching the location of the engine monitor and 496. The engine monitor is more important and should be closer to your immediate line of sight.

Move your EFIS up and put the TT Pictorial pilot below it with a Garmin 106A CDI next to that.

Use a 2.25" instruments as backups (if needed) to give you room for your start switch, elt indicator etc.....

Forget about the map box. You can use a seat pocket or aftermarket pouch. Panel real estate is valuable.

Unless you are ready to pull the trigger now lots of stuff will probably change. Be flexible.

Yours is similar to what I am wiring now. Here's a photo (I think - this Picasa stuff is rather a pain and may not work....) but most of the actual instruments are not in place right now.

From L to R I have a Hobbs meter, starter switch (hard to see, but the master and alt field switches are above the ACS starter, and the ELT remote is the box above that); Dynon D100; radio stack (GTX327 transp; SL30; Airgizmo/495); 3-2.25" holes (whiskey compass, airspeed, altimeter) topped by light switches; PS1000II intercom; glove box below Dynon D120; square on far right is for computer-controlled remote camera in my wing. Two large holes bottom L and R are air vents, flanked by headphone jacks.

I would suggest considering the 495 unless you want weather and entertainment ($1000 cheaper too!) which fits in the same airgizmo. I think you should be able to get a glove box in as well, if you want to do so.

I was going to go with the Trutrak, but have decided to probably just use the new Dynon autopilot (thats a later purchase of the servos, but doesn't take any additional panel space).

I put the D120 in front of the copilot (my wife also flies) so we can switch off the screens and whoever is flying at the time can see whatever he/she wants conveniently.

I expect to put a clipboard clip or some such under the D100 for (gasp!) paper charts or notes or whatever.

BTW, the switch under the radio stack is the flap control. You will notice that I also built a console for a quadrant that contains the manual trim plus a fuel pump switch (injected engine) and the Andair fuel valve (not visible below the photo).

I put in two heater ducts (wife is ALWAYS cold), each with a push-pull cable in the upper part of the panel.

Mine is a tipup, so I relocated the ribs outboard a bit from the original location.
