
Well Known Member
Just wondering about the best way to start an engine with an inoperative starter solenoid..the one mounted on the firewall (starter motor is Sky-tec 149-12LS)

Seems like a wire to the starter side of the solenoid connected to a jump starter brick (with appropriate ground) would do the trick and could be set up to operate from the pilot's seat by a single person in a pinch.

Just don't want to damage any diodes or other items in the circuit. Any opinions or suggestions?
The starter solenoid is on the starter motor. That is the starter relay. You can jump across the terminals of the starter relay to activate the starter. You could also jump directly to the starter solenoid and to a good ground.
Upon further reflection, I've decided my earlier post could be and has been misinterpreted, so it's been removed. Anyone who has access to the internet to post on VAF is able to get a replacement solenoid.
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Sorry, this has ACCIDENT written all over it in capital bold lettering.

Contactor failure, though possible, happens rarely. If you are concerned about it, carry a spare...they are inexpensive and do not take up much space.

Trying to kluge together a work around is silly at best, deadly at worst...in the time it takes to do it, you could have replaced the failed contactor.

Are your limbs and potentially your life worth a $20 part?
Sorry, this has ACCIDENT written all over it in capital bold lettering.

Contactor failure, though possible, happens rarely. If you are concerned about it, carry a spare...they are inexpensive and do not take up much space.

Trying to kluge together a work around is silly at best, deadly at worst...in the time it takes to do it, you could have replaced the failed contactor.

Are your limbs and potentially your life worth a $20 part?

Totally agree with Bob, this discussion has ZERO merit.