
Well Known Member
Just saw the very cool Star Wars RV pic by Adam Burch on the front page. I like it!!! you have this in a large enough size to frame? Selling copies or downloads?


ed. Here's the pic. Adam helps me out with some graphics every now and then, so I'm more than pleased to be able to help him sell some prints!!! v/r,dr]
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My son is a StarWars nut and I'm hoping I can use this as a means of getting him to fly in the -7 with me 😬. Let me know if I can download it or buy it 🙃
Now you see what I have to do to get my brain to quiet down at 2am after working through your burning tech support and engineering issues all day!

Thanks for the kind words guys, the image itself is rather low resolution right now, but I can re-render it this weekend and make it suitable for printing.

SHAMELESS PLUG: Y'all can check out my artwork at

I'll put it up there when it's done!