Captain Sacto

Well Known Member
Star Brite instead of primer?

Question for the learned veterans?has anyone considered using a PFTE airplane polish such as Starbrite instead of primer on those interior sheet metal surfaces that are not on rivet lines?

Primer wars notwithstanding (and I don?t want to start a new one), thus far I?ve primed all of the inner surfaces of the stabilizers, and if I keep this up (like with control surfaces, wings, and fuse) it?s going to add up to some weight that I don?t want.

However, I wouldn?t mind putting on a light coat or two of a long-lived, water and ?stuff? repelling material that would seal any micro-scratches in the Al coating, and give the inner surfaces at least some protection for a few (I?m guessing) decades.

My tentative plan. Starting with the rudder, I?ll prime the ribs, spars, and interior rivet lines of the sheet metal. And, barring advice to the contrary, I?ll treat the large unprimed interior sheet metal areas with a thin coating or two of Star Brite.

Comments and suggestions welcome.

Tom in Sacramento
You will have extreme difficulty with getting paint to stick if you ever change your mind later on. Silicone and paint don't play well together.