
Well Known Member
I have an IO-390, just received, not mounted yet and I wanted to install the secondary alternator next to the oil filter. Does anyone have a good solution/tool to getting to the lower left nut to tighten and torque? B&C recommends using a crows foot, which they sell for $35. It seems to be in an impossible location. Thanks.
I used a regular combination wrench reaching up from underneath . It wasn't easy and it took a bit of time as the nut only moved a fraction of a turn at a time. As for torque, I used the German method: gutentightenough.
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Every so often I'm dragged to a Garage/Yard sale by my wife. It makes for a barely tolerable experience if I find some hand tools to scrounge thru. A great buy is the 'mostly complete' wrench sets offered for $4, my wife wonders why I buy them. It's great to have odd wrenches available you can hack, twist, grind, bend or whatever- for that one time use, without ruining your good set of wrenches. It's also amazing how often you end up using that specialty wrench for other things later.
Installed mine --- know the problem

The "special" wrench that ACS, and others, sell is OK for vacuum pumps (still very hard), but for the alternator, it does not work well at all --- I did the first three nuts in about 3 minutes ------ worked nearly two hours getting the other one on ----- and I had done many vacuum pumps.

The "special" wrench that ACS, and others, sell is OK for vacuum pumps (still very hard), but for the alternator, it does not work well at all --- I did the first three nuts in about 3 minutes ------ worked nearly two hours getting the other one on ----- and I had done many vacuum pumps.


Well, once I figured out how to get to the 4th nut on the lower left, it wasn't that difficult. I did have to sacrifice a new wrench. It happened to be a 7/16" ignition wrench, but a combination would probably work as well. I cut it in half which gave me enough clearance to move it in that area.
