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Guys, I need to make a decision on buying the standard or quick build wing/fuselage kits (the next day or two). Can someone confirm that if I buy the standard kits, that I will no longer need to build/use jigs to build those sections due to the matched-hole ribs/skins CNC way Vans is now delivering this kits? Is it necessary or prudent to also use a jig even with matched-hole fabrication, or is alignment "guaranteed" with the m-h method?

I've seen some videos of -8 builds and they are using jigs. I'd like to avoid that if at all possible.

Also, due to lead times QB kits and recent complications (primer, mostly) with the plant in the Philippines, I wonder if it might be faster to order a Standard Wing Kit and start building (8 month lead time understood) after the empennage, rather than wait for a QB wing kit.

I plan to order the Empennage, Standard Wing Kit and Quick Build immediately.
The Empennage kit should come in 4 months. Assuming a 4-month-to-completion, that will give me time to complete it before the Standard Wing Kit comes in about 4 months after the Empennage Kit. While I am building both of those sections, the QB Fuselage kit will be processed and I will expect delivery of that some time late 2022. After building the wing, I will order the finishing kit (8 mo lead time). Does this seem like a reasonable, orderly approach to my build?

Also, because Vans is just 35 minutes away, I will be able to avoid shipping time and cost.

Since you guys have "been there; done that," I respect your experience and look forward to hearing from you!
The lead times are so much longer than when I started mine 2 years ago it’s hard to compare build plans.

To me the fuselage is more interesting to build than the wings. I built my fuselage first while waiting for QB wings.
Guys, I need to make a decision on buying the standard or quick build wing/fuselage kits (the next day or two). Can someone confirm that if I buy the standard kits, that I will no longer need to build/use jigs to build those sections due to the matched-hole ribs/skins CNC way Vans is now delivering this kits? Is it necessary or prudent to also use a jig even with matched-hole fabrication, or is alignment "guaranteed" with the m-h method?

You don't need a rigid jig like in the older kit. However you need to build a wing fixture that holds up the wing assembly as you are building the wings. This is described in the plan. The fuselage does not need any fixture.
If it was me, and it isn’t, I would order the empennage kit, fuselage kit, and finish kit. And have the wings as quick build.

By the time you have finished the fuselage and empennage the wings will be arriving and they need very little work to bolt straight on, and you won’t have the mess of the fuel tanks and stuff like that. It’s the quickest way to get flying.
Have the wings quickbuild. The fuselage is fun to build. No jigs required. I have just hit one year since receiving the tail kit. Progress has been pretty good. I also had two months of not building while waiting on fuselage kit.


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QB vs Slow build

I have a QB kit and if I were to do it over I’d go with what has been suggested, ie slow build tail kit, fuselage and QB wings. Still plenty to do with a QB kit, but feel you can save some $ and get lots of hands on with a slow build fuse. Just my two cents
Thanks Jordan and Dave! Just seeing that pic of the tail and fuselage together was very motivating!!!
Another recommendation for QB wings and SB fuse, but if I had to do it again, I would go SB wings again just so I could build better fuel tanks the 2nd time around. I've seen some of the QB fuel tanks end up needing work anyway. I definitely wouldn't miss preparing all the ribs though.

I made a joke to Vans a while back about offering a QB light option where all the edge deburring is done for you. They didn't seem interested.
I made a joke to Vans a while back about offering a QB light option where all the edge deburring is done for you. They didn't seem interested.

Oh that would be fantastic. I get harassed about the amount of deburring that goes on. Some think it's all I do.
SB Fuse and QB or SB wings

I'm building an RV-10. I initially planned QB fuselage and wings. With the delays, I figured the SB fuselage may get finished before a QB fuselage would since I have no idea when the QB would arrive.

With the wings, I have ordered the QB wings and will leave that order in while I work on the Emp, Fuse, and Finish Kit. If it looks like I'm close to ready for wings and there still is no word on the QB delays, I'll switch it to SB wings.

There is a lot I can do on the Emp, Fuse, Finish Kit before I need wings.

It all depends on what you want for your aircraft. If you get the quick build wings, you don’t get the option for inverted fuel flop tubes. You also don’t get the option of float or capacitive fuel quantity senders. There are also some nicer fuel caps (Newton) that would not be an option. Wiring for lights, autopilot servo, heated pitot, and wingtip antennas would be easier IMHO with the slow build wings. As others have mentioned, quick build wings don’t guarantee leak free tanks. It’s a messy job but a great learning experience. A pneumatic squeezer is a great investment for the wings. I seem to recall there were roughly 470 rivets on each side of the wings which is a lot of dimpling ribs. The wing “jig” described for the build can be made with 4x4’s, a steel bar cantilever support and a couple of screen door turnbuckles to take out the twist. A simple laser level will align it perfectly. The quick build fuselage would likely be easier to work with since it’s all open.
Either way, you’re going to have a great time building it and a better time flying it. Congrats!
Karl makes good points about some of the modifications you may want to make that you really can't (practically) if you order QB kits. Based on much of what I've read and knowing the repetitive pain in the @#$ the wings will be to build, I have finally conceded that I will be slow building the whole thing, one rivet at a time. I will be able to build it exactly the way I want it built, flop tubes, different fuel caps, extra stiffeners in places where it is needed, etc. Just gotta figure out how to convince the wife that she needs to help.... :D
Good choice!!
You won’t regret it!
Well, there maybe occasions when you might, but it won’t last long!