
Well Known Member
Hi All,

I am in the process of getting my fuel cap flanges (T-406B) to fit the profile of my tanks. They were supplied unevenly bent, but I resolved this by alternately clamping the leading and trailing edge tightly in the vice and tweaking by hand until the bends are parallel. The only issue is, I don't see how you can bend the mid section of the flange to follow the curvature of the skin without building some type of hardwood template and bending it around it. Have others done this, or do you just leave it with the trailing edge and leading edge bent to conform, then fill the center section with proseal to fill the gap, fay seal it in place, then rivet it later? This will however leave the cap recessed in the hole...
Alternatively I have some friends coming out from the Oregon in a week's time, so I could get them to bring some of the deluxe caps with them that are supposedly milled to conform to the skin profile.
Cheers. Tom.
Deluxe caps

Perfect fit. I would go with the deluxe cap and flange. You can always leave them unlocked.
You still have to twist deluxe flanges a bit. But the caps are a nice upgrade. I am parked under the elements and they are holding rain and sleet out very good. However if you open them when there is water under the locking handle it goes to the tank via stem. You have to blow the moisture out before opening the cap otherwise you will see those drops on the tank bottom. Not sure how stock caps are performing in this matter.
stock caps ok by me

I have stock caps, and used to seal them with a big vinyl decal on top.
apparently not really needed, have left them uncovered, with original o-rings from 2006, not a drop of water in the tank, if you're cautious removing them, and shaking/blowing out the collected water as Vlad says ( he may have a couple more hours on his!) :)
Larry, you always seem to be taking me to higher ground. My aeroplane will love you in the end, but my bank account won't. I'm going to order those deluxe caps so I can conform properly to the skin profile. At the end of the day, there's always more fuselage parts to edge finish whilst I'm waiting.

Larry, you always seem to be taking me to higher ground. My aeroplane will love you in the end, but my bank account won't. I'm going to order those deluxe caps so I can conform properly to the skin profile. At the end of the day, there's always more fuselage parts to edge finish whilst I'm waiting.


Oh but your fingers will thank you cause they feel so nice, your eyes will thank you cause the look so good....your bank account will soon forget about it. It's worth every single penny!:D:D
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I received the deluxe fuel caps last week and clamped/drilled them to the skins. They fitted perfectly. Absolutely amazing compared to the standard ones. The opening mechanism also feels light years ahead of the stock caps. Definitely worth every cent.