
Well Known Member
This must be a dumb question, since I'm having a hard time finding the answer, but does anyone know where I can get a diagram showing the exact dimensions of a "standard" 3 1/8" panel cutout? Everywhere I look everyone says that their product fits a "standard" 3 1/8" panel cutout, but that doesn't help much when you don't have those "standard" dimensions. I'm sure I'll need the "standard" 2 1/4" cutout too. Many thanks!
ACS Catalog!


Dig out your Aircraft Spruce Catalog - the old one I have here in the office is 2003-2004, and has it on the last page of the Instrument section (page 377).

panel cutout dimensions

Hi Paul, I had recalled that the dimensions were in the ACS catalog, but after scouring the 2005-2006 catalog I can't find the dimensions. I guess they're not selling so many round instruments these days so they took them out.
ACS not as user friendly?

I went through the Aircraft Spruce Catalog also and the only thing I found in a quick search was the "Instrument Mounting Hole Drill Jig" on page 550 for $31.50. Several subtle things since last year when Sun 'n' Fun management told Aircraft Spruce & Specialty to take their Sun 100 and Sun 60 races and stick them where the sun doesn't shine, cause me to wonder whether Aircraft Spruce is pulling back on their out going support of the homebuilt aircraft people a little bit to a more traditional business bottom line posture. Too bad if true, I really REALLY liked the company and the personnel the way they were.

When I did my panel I did buy a little black flat panel template for instruments from ACS but In reallity there was so much variation between the actual instruments I custom made all the holes. It is best to lay out the mounting holes and calibration cutouts before you cut the big center hole but be sensitive to any center drift. I found for the the round instrument holes were best cut with the hole saws with a centering drill even though I tried a flycutter and bolt driven hole punches before learning this. I combination drilled, hacksawed and filed the square/rectangular radio/instrument holes.

Bob Axsom
Kitplanes magazine has a good article on building panels. The author describes an effective way to create templates for the various sizes of instruments. You might find that article helpful if you can locate a copy of the May, 2006 issue. By the way, their cover story has a very nice article on the RV9A.

Here is their website www.kitplanes.comhttp://www.kitplanes.com

A warning on using their website. I subscribe to their magazine but I still cannot use their website. Unless you pay $49.95 per year to subscribe to their website you cannot get to any content. It is odd to me that a subscription to their magazine costs $29.95 but an electronic subscription to their website cost $20.00 more. If you want the magazine and access to their website it will cost you $80.00. Their logic seems a little reversed if you ask me. Imagine the savings in printing, packaging, mailing, etc. the publisher would save if more people subscribed to the electronic version rather than the hard copy that has to be handled and delivered each month. This is one of the only companies I have seen where it cost more for you to do business with them electronically than via snailmail. :rolleyes:

Having said all that I do like their magazine. They have great articles on every aspect of building airplanes. Check the panel article out and see if it doesn't offer the information you need.

Good Luck,
slow building RV9A fuselage
Currently twisting and bending those 173 7/16 in. longerons.
Magazine prices

The printing and distribution costs for the magazine are heavily subsidized by advertisers. I'm not sure if that revenue model applies to the web version, but I suspect that it does not. That said, charging magazine subscribers for the same content on the web seems odd.

RVbySDI said:
Kitplanes magazine has a good article on building panels. The author describes an effective way to create templates for the various sizes of instruments. You might find that article helpful if you can locate a copy of the May, 2006 issue. By the way, their cover story has a very nice article on the RV9A.

Here is their website www.kitplanes.comhttp://www.kitplanes.com

A warning on using their website. I subscribe to their magazine but I still cannot use their website. Unless you pay $49.95 per year to subscribe to their website you cannot get to any content. It is odd to me that a subscription to their magazine costs $29.95 but an electronic subscription to their website cost $20.00 more. If you want the magazine and access to their website it will cost you $80.00. Their logic seems a little reversed if you ask me. Imagine the savings in printing, packaging, mailing, etc. the publisher would save if more people subscribed to the electronic version rather than the hard copy that has to be handled and delivered each month. This is one of the only companies I have seen where it cost more for you to do business with them electronically than via snailmail. :rolleyes:

Having said all that I do like their magazine. They have great articles on every aspect of building airplanes. Check the panel article out and see if it doesn't offer the information you need.

Good Luck,
slow building RV9A fuselage
Currently twisting and bending those 173 7/16 in. longerons.
instrument holes

Does anyone know the standard dimensions for aircraft instruments?
i.e. 3 1/8" dia B.C. X" etc.