
Well Known Member
What "spread" have you set between the activation of the stall warning tone and the actual stall? Mine is a bit too close I expect, tho the stall themselves are virtually nothing...almost instant recovery and very little loss of altitude.

What spread do you use?
Stall Margin

Marty, I adjusted mine this morning, but it was too windy to fly and try it. Next available opportunity I will check it and report.
Should I assume that the initial adjustment prior to skinning the wings does not work or am I misunderstanding this?
Stall Margin

No, Dave, the initial setting the plans call for works, its just a matter of luck as to when the stall warning sounds prior to the actual stall. Mine came on a little late, perhaps 2 or 3 mph prior to the actual stall. I want a little more warning, perhaps 5 to 7 mph or so - I want some reasonale amount of time to take corrective action when the alarm sounds.