Kato's 8

Well Known Member
Good morning!
I was testing alert tones with head set on and because I installed a variable resister as per plans on my Dynon, I'm able to adjust tone where I like it.
The stall warner is a diddle rent deal. The tone is a steady very pound sine wave type tone. Has anyone had issue with this and possibly installed something to adjust the volume? If so, what did you use?
I have a D6 feeding into an unswitched input on my intercom. I just experimented with resistors inserted in series with the wire until I got the volume I wanted.
A small potentiometer will let you adjust the volume wherever you want it. The capacitor is optional, I don't recall if the stall warn board has one or not.

I used a radioshack 10K-ohm 500vac 0.5w potentiometer to adjust volume for alert tones from the Dynon EMS. Do you suppose the same would work for this vans supplied Stallwarner tone generator? I wonder if it would be easier to just try simple inline resistors of a couple k-ohms?
At the audio levels we're talking about here, pretty much any pot will do. The only advantage of a pot over fixed value resistors is the ability to easily adjust the volume to suit your setup.
I used a cheap radio shack potentiometer like the others, but only to initially set the volume I wanted. Then I removed it, measured the resistance on the two legs at the set point that worked well for me, and soldered fixed resistors in place of the potentiometer. Vibration, time, movement, etc. won't cause a change to my desired volume now.

It wouldn't be terribly expensive or difficult for Vans to put a small pot on that board. As-is, that stall warning is WAY too loud.
Can someone give me a good starting point for a resistor to put in for a reasonable volume level?
I don't have a pot, but I have a bucket of resistors on hand.
I know it will vary by situation, but I just need a ballpark value.
Can someone give me a good starting point for a resistor to put in for a reasonable volume level?
I don't have a pot, but I have a bucket of resistors on hand.
I know it will vary by situation, but I just need a ballpark value.

I think the trimmer potentiometer I used was 1K ohm. You could try two 500-ohm resistors in series and take the output from the connection between the resistors like this:

signal from board-------R1-------TO AUDIO PANEL-------R2-------GND

That will effectively halve the volume. If the volume is then too low, increase R2 or decrease R1. If the volume is too high, increase R1 or decrease R2. I really don't remember what I ended with for final R1 and R2 values.

A 1K ohm trimmer pot can be found at your local radio shack for just over $3. Look for part number 271-342.
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