
Well Known Member
Stall Warning Vane Issue

My initial stall testing looked good with respect to stall warning adjustments - none required. It made contact about 7 knots before the break consistently. I set my AoA system to began warning tones at the bottom of the yellow zone. So normally I'd hear the AoA tones first followed by the mechanical vane audio. My intent was to turn one or the other off later once I'd gained a little experience with both. I accomplished dozens of stalls in every configuration including all required by the PAP.

Today I was conducting the "50 KTS Zero Flap Airspeed Calibration" I'd skipped from FT-4 and the vane audio came on at about 53 KTS, I had always seen 47 to 49 previously (no flap, same gross weight) . Conditions were perfectly smooth. I followed with a couple of stalls with the same result. Also confirmed the numbers post flight in the EFIS download.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't inadvertently bent on the ground. Is there anything else that could cause this? Has anyone else had problems with stall vane consistency?
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I thought stall warnings were triggered by angle of attack, rather than airspeed.
I've been wrong before.:)
Quite right. Sorry for the confusion. I should have included that my test flights have all been at 1050 lbs plus or minus 20 lbs. so the 1G stall speeds should be pretty close.