
Well Known Member
Thanks for the input guys. There were two simaltaneous problems.

1) The tabs at the fuselage end were not making contact with the screw heads in the wing root. They needed to be bent outboard quite a bit.

2) The warning vane was making contact with the switch lever as per instructions, but didn't have enough travel to fully depress the microswitch. Couldn't get the assenbly to rotate so I bent a curve into the vane arm. It will be interesting to see what happens in flight, but it works for the inspection. Builders not there yet should note that the assembly should be sat with the vane already pushing up on the microswitch, noy just in contact. It's REALLY difficult to do much in there after the skin is on.

Took the better part of two days to track down but while the instrument panel was apart I tweaked to trim pot to increase time from 23 seconmds to 26.

Another case where assuming things were correct "as assembled" wasn't a good assumption.

Wayne 120241