Has anyone had this issue with the stall horn doubler plate (VA-195C): the plate came with a bow in it, presumably from stamping it out vs CNC. After dimpling for the #6 screws and rivets, the doubler was wavy. Tried to correct with gentle coercion with my fluting pliers and got some improvement. After installation, the irregularity was translated to the bottom skin. Not huge but also not smooth. Any thoughts?
I got the same oil canning when I dimpled the doubler plate. I powered through the challenges of squeezing the nutplate rivets onto the then wavy doubler plate. I did not try to correct the problem but rather clecoed it to the skin first to see if that would resolve the problem and it seems to have worked. Maybe try to remove the flutes you imparted and see what results you get with that
Like I said, it?s not a huge bow in the skin but I like having the reassurance that I am not the only one with this issue. Thanks.