Larry DeCamp

Well Known Member
Does anyone know the approximate stall angle of attack for RVs ? I know this varies with airfoil, speed etc. A generalization of 15 degrees comes to mind, but you may have a more precise number. I am processing forum inputs on engine air intake that consider airflow at high angle of attack for max performance takeoff conditions.
Some information available on the OnSpeed Project Website

Some interesting things and information Related to AoA happening with the OnSpeed project. Check out

Some interesting videos and papers on the subject. The project is entirely a not for profit volunteer based effort dedicated to making flying safer.

Your question prompted me to pull out my old and brittle copy of Abbott & Von Doenhoff’s “Theory of Wing Sections”. I seem to recall that the RV3 uses an NACA 23012 airfoil, and A&VD show this to have a stall AoA of right about 18 degrees. Of course, this is an ideal 2D airfoil - once you apply it to a 3D wing....usual caveats apply....YMMV....

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A probe set at 45 deg from the pitot is used as a base for a differential pressure AOA gauge. That should be a good start for you.