
Well Known Member
Does anyone know why they are still activating TFR’ over spectator-less events? This is getting rediculous.
The rule is based on seating capacity of 30,000 or more, not actual attendance.

Agreed, it really doesn't make sense, but on the other hand, it's not all that easy to change rules that are established...
Does anyone know why they are still activating TFR’ over spectator-less events? This is getting rediculous.

The same reason that work zone speed limits apply on Weekends and evenings when no workers are present. The Govt has learned that there is a very small to non-existent penalty for simplifying for their own benefit. It is much easier for them to say any game = TFR. No thought, no time, no hassle. For them at least. Not enough people complaign through proper channels and the govt organizations have learned that there is no real downside to them doing this.

The crowds will be back soon. Why change it temporarily only to have to change it back again. Your RV can fly around the stadium in about 1 minute. Or above it. Most, if not all, Stadium TFRs only extend to 3,000 ft. agl.

I'd actually rather have them the way they are...if they were to be activated and deactivated based on sporting events*, some of us would be inundated with TFR notifications (there are a LOT of major league sports and colleges here in L.A.). So they're displayed all the time on my EFIS. No big deal, I don't usually fly around at < 3000' over the city anyway, and if I do want to, I can just check to see who's playing at that time.

In the grand scheme of things, this seems to be pretty unimportant.

*Technically, they ARE activated 1 hour prior and deactivated 1 hour after each's just that they're listed and displayed on maps and EFISes as permanent airspaces.
Once again regulatory slight of hand. Stadium TFR's have nothing to do with people in the seats. Nothing to do with safety of anyone. A power grab.

Talk to stadium owners and management teams of them. Follow the money. They LOVE THEM.
Once again regulatory slight of hand. Stadium TFR's have nothing to do with people in the seats. Nothing to do with safety of anyone. A power grab.

Talk to stadium owners and management teams of them. Follow the money. They LOVE THEM.

SO true. One of my last flights as a traffic pilot, we legitimately flew straight over the top of the Football Team's stadium 30 minutes before a MNF game. PG county helo on frequency relayed that they heard a certain snide individual was none too impressed.

Oh well. :D
I'd actually rather have them the way they are...if they were to be activated and deactivated based on sporting events*, some of us would be inundated with TFR notifications (there are a LOT of major league sports and colleges here in L.A.). So they're displayed all the time on my EFIS. No big deal, I don't usually fly around at < 3000' over the city anyway, and if I do want to, I can just check to see who's playing at that time.

In the grand scheme of things, this seems to be pretty unimportant.

*Technically, they ARE activated 1 hour prior and deactivated 1 hour after each's just that they're listed and displayed on maps and EFISes as permanent airspaces.

Like many of the “visible” post 911 security changes, they really do very little to enhance security. Bad guys don’t follow rules. Even the slowest airplane can transverse 3 miles in a couple minutes. I just hope all the security measures we don’t see are actually doing the job.

RV related, I am amazed at just how much more info I have in the cockpit than I did 15 years ago when I first flew my 6A. It would be very difficult to navigate TFRs inside Class B airspace with a paper chart.

Where are we going next? Avionics in GA aviation need to embrace open system avionics architecture that allows plug and play hardware and software so at anytime I could easily drop in a hardware upgrade. No new cutout shapes, no change to the wire bundles, and same mounting provisions. Would even be nice if I could run someone else’s “app” on someone else’s hardware. It would be cool to run my FlyQ on my Garmin EFIS. Until then, I will Continue to have to have an iPad in the cockpit.
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Stadium TFR's most ridiculous security measure ever perpetrated post 911

I flew airborne patrol over Los Angeles for the LAPD when this was adopted after 9/11. At that time there was a concern about some terrorist stealing a plane and doing a kamikaze attack on a stadium. As someone already pointed out a 3 mile buffer around a stadium is not much time to react if anything could be done to stop such an attack.

Also, it is only certain events that it applies to. It would apply to a professional MLB baseball game with only a few spectators but not to a sold out concert with 50,000 spectators. That makes no sense. As mentioned it starts one hour before and ends one hour after a select group of sporting events. Sometimes game times are moved at the last minute for TV reasons. If you were from out of town and looked at a team's baseball schedule as originally published you would miss the time change. What about a game that goes into extra innings?

It applies to Disneyland/ Disneyworld but not the any other amusement park in the country.

I have written to AOPA and my elected representatives to get this eliminated. Apparently, only us pilots care.

In case you are wondering, the LAPD helicopter unit did not take any action against violations. We had plenty a serious crime to worry about where we could be of value. However, I have been told the TFR violations are a common FAA violation that the FAA will enforce.

Write to your elected officials once the election is over. Better than nothing and it gets it off your chest, can't you tell it really helped me??

In the mean time when you see that circle on your display, presume it is active and avoid it until I get this changed.