
Active Member
I'm working on the PAP and yesterday I was checking the stabilator tension when I noticed the turn buckles were installed with the round ringed ends pointed aft... the plans say it should point forward. I proceeded to remove the turn buckles and turn them around but the threads on the cables don't match in this orientation. It seems to me the only way I can thread them on is with the round ringed ends pointing aft... What have I missed?


Ron, I had the same question for Gus last week at Van's. He said it didn't matter that the ring was on the opposite end from what was designated in the plans on page 32-14, figure #2, plus the fact that it won't work to turn them anyway. Me thinks the plans are wrong. :)

They are correct, you cant put them on the wrong way, you have one r/h thread and one L/h thread, and never shall the twain thread together!