Allan Stern

Well Known Member
I have just attached the stabilator to add trim control to back. Was just concerned that the counter weights seem to keep control in a up position "heavy control" since at this point can not see counter weight elsewhere like we do in other RV's. Second, the plane does not have a lot of "down" movement in control unit. Is this normal.

RV 6A sold
RV 8A flying
RV 12 building


Yes, that sounds normal. There is not a lot of "down" movement to the stabilator assembly ... in fact, it the stabilator almost looks horizontal with full nose down control input.

Happy building,
Once everything is installed on the HS it should be just about evenly balanced and stay in the position you put it.
Once everything is installed on the HS it should be just about evenly balanced and stay in the position you put it.

No horizontal stabilizer on the -12. It has a stabilator.

Down travel is only 3°
Van's names most all of their stabilator parts with the nomenclature "HS". I guess I am guilty of making the asumption that "HS" stands for "Horizontal Stabilator".
I noticed the small amount of "down" travel to, so I looked at my Cherokee and found the same thing. Seems to work fine.