
Well Known Member
Kate is on Spring Break and I negotiated a day off to coincide with good weather, so we made a day trip to St. Louis to see the Arch.

Early Departure and up to 9500

Follow that river south!

Keep following.....

Frank's Visors work great!

Two and a half hours get a surprise!

This is a view reserved for those who fly.......

St. Louis #2

Third pic from the arrival flyby:


The genius of elegant simplicity

Great day in STL 60 and Sunny!

It's called a catenary curve......

Busch 2 from the top

Time to go

St Louis #3

She'll tell you it's a halo - don't buy it.....

Departure Flyby

Follow that river home......the flood plain is evident....

I think it was a good day

Sunset over the home base at KANE

Home in time for dinner. 856nm, 6 hrs in the air, 35gal 100LL. The folks at Ideal Aviation at KCPS were first rate. Cheap rental car was waiting, and they had us right out the door on departure. STL Approach was helpful and friendly as was the tower at KCPS.

The Arch is a must see - and it is better from the air! A special thanks to the RV crowd in STL that answered my pre trip questions.
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re: nice

Nice....very nice.
Great pics. Been to STL myself once.
BTW, your daughter is gorgeous.:)

Marshall Alexander
RV10 N781DM
fuse/cabin top/panel
Which river?

Follow that river home......
the flood plain is evident....

One caution on following the river north out of STL; you need to make sure you are following the river you think you are following. There are actually three rivers that merge just north of STL, the Mississippi, Missouri, and the Illinois. One goes west to Kansas City, one North West to the Twin Cities, and one North East to Chicago. All have very large river valleys. Of coarse in the 1993 flood they all flooded together and it became one big river.

Glad you had a great flight visiting the Arch. It still makes me stop and look everytime I see it.
Good point

I cheated with GPS - it helped me pick a river. That and all the fields in Iowa look the same..........
Always enjoy your write-ups, Pete. Hope to have a few of my own someday.

Amazing economy from these airplanes. The works out to a little over 28 statute miles per gallon. Not to mention the miles you saved by flying versus driving and that the trip would have been impossible in a single day if you had to drive. Oh yeah, and it's so much fun, too.:D

Keep making trips and keep telling us about them!
Trip reports

I love the trip reports and seeing the adventures that you and Kate pursue. As you continue to stretch the legs of the RV I look forward to following the adventures. The things we do in pursuit of engineering knowledge.
Thanks for the Pictures

Thanks for the fun pictures.
What a great day trip. 6 hours in the plane, wow!

Thanks and keep having fun.
Great PICS

Pete, the pictures are very good, my most memorable flights are with my kids. there gone now and I wish I had done so much more with them. You will remember everyone of the flights you take with your kids, not so with the others. never pass up an opportunity to spend time with them it is over so fast. they will remember these moments also ! thanks for the trip reports. Gene