
Active Member
Hi, I am an RV 10 builder from Waller in Texas, I would like to meet RV builders here in St Johns or wider area to ehlp with building and assist with rivetting and lending a 3d and 4th hand with construction. Any takers? Call me 709-725-6530.
You're a little ways from home, how the weather in NFLD compared to Texas, about the same?
We are quite a way from NFLD in southern Nova Scotia and your are two years late in helping buck rivets for us. Been flying our RV-10 since 2010. There is another 10 being built in Digby NS but all the riveting is complete. I have not heard of any other RV-10 under construction in the Maritimes but I could be mistaken.
Hey Ron, The weather is quite different from Texas, not so hot or humid and this summer was a very good one for NL standards. Do you ever fly your -10 as far out as St Johns, mind you it is often VERY foggy around here, so an IFR equipped plane would be required. I am still hoping for a positive response from a builder (not necessarely -10) closer to St Johns. Thanks for your response.
Never had the oppurtunity to fly the RV-10 over to NFLD but we did make a five day trip that included NFLD and over to Saint Pierre and Michlon, in my amph. Supercub Replica a few years back. Best trip we ever had, beautiful weather everyday. I knew the weather was different!!
Never had the oppurtunity to fly the RV-10 over to NFLD but we did make a five day trip that included NFLD and over to Saint Pierre and Michlon, in my amph. Supercub Replica a few years back. Best trip we ever had, beautiful weather everyday. I knew the weather was different!!

Hey Ron how long did you stay in France? Any tips on hotels-shmotels? :)
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From 5 PM one evening til 8 AM the next morning. Best hot tip on hotels are book well ahead. We did not plan on an overnight and arrived at five to find everything shutting down for the day, airport included , they actually stayed late just for us, dumb Nova Scotians didn't know. We had tents for just such an occurrence but not knowing the hotel situation before getting into a cab left them on the other side of the locked fence. Thought for sure we would have to break in to have somewhere to sleep. Last place on the island had a couple roams .
From 5 PM one evening til 8 AM the next morning. Best hot tip on hotels are book well ahead. We did not plan on an overnight and arrived at five to find everything shutting down for the day, airport included , they actually stayed late just for us, dumb Nova Scotians didn't know. We had tents for just such an occurrence but not knowing the hotel situation before getting into a cab left them on the other side of the locked fence. Thought for sure we would have to break in to have somewhere to sleep. Last place on the island had a couple roams .

Couple questions Ron if you remember of course it's a been a while you visited. Did you do any extra paperwork for French Customs? Were they waiting for you as well? Did you call Canadian CBP before leaving LFVP? Did you buy fuel from them?
I don't recall anything out of the ordinary as far as customs. I don't think we contacted Canadian customs either before leaving. We probably had to file a flight plan same as going into US. Fuel is something I think you need to arrange in advance unless things have changed. They only had a partial drum of avgas that we were able to purchase at a high cost (extra reserve for the trip across they bay to Sydney).
I seem to remember searching for information online pertaining to customs, we never had any problems.