My buddy installed LED light bulbs in the wingtip of his C-172 and it caused the squelch to not work on his Kx-165 radio. He also has an LED landing light and sky beacon ADSB. A call to the sky beacon company revealed this to be a problem with some aircraft. I thought I?d post this here in case someone is having the same problem.

This is a fix I did on LED NAV lights:
- On the inside of the wingtip, add a .025? piece of aluminum that is held in by the NAV light mounting screws. This piece of aluminum need not be very big, so just a little bit bigger than the NAV light footprint should work.
- Run the NAV light ground wire, as short as practicable, to one of the mounting screws such that the ground wire in connected to this aluminum plate.
- Run the NAV power, strobe power and sync wires as before, the NAV ground lead goes to the same mounting screw.

The point - this small aluminum plate provides a ground to the NAV light case for installs on fiberglass instead of aluminum.
