
Well Known Member
I need to fill some tooling holes on my fuel tank end ribs. Since it's not structural, I'm planning to use AN470-A-6 rivets, which apparently are the soft aluminum rivets. Does anyone know if a standard squeezer will set these "soft" size 6 rivets? I'd like to proseal and rivet my end ribs in while waiting for the rivets to arrive. However, if I can't squeeze those rivets, then I'm going to have to buck them. If that's the case, I'd rather back rivet them without having the ribs installed.
I need to fill some tooling holes on my fuel tank end ribs. Since it's not structural, I'm planning to use AN470-A-6 rivets, which apparently are the soft aluminum rivets. Does anyone know if a standard squeezer will set these "soft" size 6 rivets? I'd like to proseal and rivet my end ribs in while waiting for the rivets to arrive. However, if I can't squeeze those rivets, then I'm going to have to buck them. If that's the case, I'd rather back rivet them without having the ribs installed.

Should work. I used my pneumatic squeezer and found I had to back it off more than I'd expect due to the lower resistance of the soft rivets.

You can do it in a DRDT-2 too.
I used a pulled sealed rivet. Was quite easy to do, then put a layer of pro seal over it.
Lots of options as mentioned on the other thread. Don't over-think this. It's not hard to use a standard AD rivet there as provided by the factory. You'll have plenty of other things to be concerned about later.
