
Active Member
Hi Folks,

Wondering if anyone has some advice. I got a second-hand pneumatic squeezer from another builder that gave up on his project a year ago. Just got around to starting to use it and I realized that the adjustable ram appears to be too tight for a couple of the bits (the yokes are all fine).

Does anyone have any suggestions?
What do you mean too tight? Like it won't adjust (ie turning the ram on the threads is hard and/or stops early?). My guess is that the ram is bent so you can't adjust it fully. Can try to bend back or get a new adjustable ram.
Remove the yoke and ram and if the ram won't slide smoothly in the yoke, try cleaning the mating surfaces with crocus cloth, very fine wet-or-dry sandpaper (dry) or even Scotchbrite. You can use oil to help, too.

If the ram slides smoothly with the yoke removed, then perhaps the yoke is slightly mis-drilled. I've never heard of this happening.

Try reinstalling the ram into the body turning it 180 degrees so it looks like the guide on the ram is facing the wrong way and see how it works. I have helped several locals over the years with this problem and it solved the issue. Having the round disc on the side of the ram installed so it looks correct seems to put a slight bind on the ram. I personally have 3 squeezers and they all needed the same approach. YMMV.
When I mean "too tight" I mean the hole in the ram is too small for some of the sets. Consequently when I got it the other builder had one of the sets that is too small for the hole in the ram, and I had to unscrew the ram and hammer it out backwards with the help of a screwdriver.

The hole in the yokes fits all the sets fine, so seems the hole in the ram is a little smaller than it should be.
Hum, that sounds like a set issue, especially if it's only some of them. I have one set that I used some pliers and put a little extra squeeze on the retainer on the set, that helped with that one (which was a little too tight). All my others are fine, what I mean by that is a fingernail can usually get them out, maybe a small flat head every once in a while.
Sets usually have a metal band so that they don't fall out of the ram, try squeezing it down a little or just remove it, use a set of plyers getting it out, no need to disassemble the squeezer.
Rivet sets

When I mean "too tight" I mean the hole in the ram is too small for some of the sets. Consequently when I got it the other builder had one of the sets that is too small for the hole in the ram, and I had to unscrew the ram and hammer it out backwards with the help of a screwdriver.

The hole in the yokes fits all the sets fine, so seems the hole in the ram is a little smaller than it should be.

I agree. Ram is probably fine. Check the tight rivet set.
Some use a spring steel collar and some use an o-ring for tension. Sometimes debris gets in the groove and can make them very tight.
Sets too tight in squeezer yoke

I have some sets that are too tight to pull out of the squeezer yoke and I just take a punch and shove them out from the hole in the other side of the yoke. If it's too tight on the ram, I can usually just wiggle it back and forth with thumb and forefinger as I'm pulling to eventually pull it off. Failing that, I grab the set half with some pliers to pull it off.
I agree. Ram is probably fine. Check the tight rivet set.
Some use a spring steel collar and some use an o-ring for tension. Sometimes debris gets in the groove and can make them very tight.
The three stuck sets aren't getting to the o ring. Also, they work fine in all the rest of the tools I have.


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