
Well Known Member
Our left brake has started to make a 'binding' sound when the left brake is applied, and the brake is very difficult to engage when you apply pressure. The plane turns to the right much easier than to the left. The plane is difficult to stop evenly when pressure is applied. We bled the brakes and checked the fluid level today. Any ideas??
N612RV (1/2 owner)
Brake problem

That doesn't sound like a fluid problem, more like foreign material between the disc and the brake pad, or worn out brake pads. In any case, the only way to tell is to take the brake apart and check the components.

That needs to be checked out, and it is easy to do ;).

Or possibly something loose on the assembly causing the pads to bind.
brake noise

pull the brakes apart and put dry lubricant on the pins and inside the hole that the pins slide in. Brake material builds up as the pads wear and they need to be cleaned and relubricated on at least a biannual schedule
This is a good time to add... Make sure you are not "dragging" the brakes when you taxi. It is very easy, and common for RV drivers to "ride" the brakes during taxi.

...guilty on the riding-of-the-brakes part; but I pulled the brakes today as we bled them yesterday, and pulled the easy pad and evened it out a little bit and I scored the disk. I had one of the mechanics look at it and he said it sounded as though I needed to 'burn-in' the brakes. So I took it out (before I took the brakes apart) and taxied while riding the left brake. Then I did a couple of tight circles and still made the wierd noise and it continued to not hold as well as the right. After I did the work on the brakes, I DID NOT test them
If you needed to even out the pads by removing brake pad material you need to replace the brake pads. Then follow the proper procedure for "seating" the pads. To get the brakes working even again I would do both sides.
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Hey Meade - -

You can take BOTH brake pads off and lay a piece of say 320 sand paper on a FLAT surface, and put the pad on the paper and sand the pad until the smoothness is gone from the pad surface. ( looks hazy ). Can also do the disc with the same 320 paper. Go in and out rather than around the disc, just on the area being used by the pad. Tape off the inner part if you want to stop corrosion on the unused area of the disc. Should take the sound away.

John Bender
Hey Meade, don't you mean "squeaky" brakes? Very nice meeting you and George at LZU last Saturday. Come on down to 9A1 3rd Sat. of month.
Dick Seiders