
Active Member
Feel a bit awkward asking this question bUt I have done 26 hrs on my RV 14 and have squeaking brakes. They work perfectly smooth but must just rub enough to make a noise sometimes.
I thought it might be my technique of pushing the rudder pedals with my big feet but have been concentrating on using my heel while taxing and still have squeak.
I took them off and checked wheel bearings but they are all good so has to be brakes.
Has anyone else had this?
Sometimes, just before dead stop....I think heat build up creates ?thermoplaning?
between the disk and pads, in turn pad vibration. But never with brakes release or at initial brake application.

Mine does this if I haven't flown in a week, I just chocked it up to a little oxidation on the discs, it's humid here in Alabama :D