
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
It looked like a nice fall weekend was descending upon Texas, and here I was watching the Shuttle mission from home, on call, with no plans to fly anywhere except up and around. With the Solar Array repair EVA finished up (with wild success I might ad!) by mid-morning, I called the console and asked if anything else was brewing that might need my attention, and got a comforting "all's well" report from the Flight Director on duty. I told him that I'd have my Blackberry and Cell phone, and that I'd be no more than two hours away.....

I quickly grabbed my tent, sleeping bag, ground pad, and a little food, headed for the airport, and was soon airborne for Lake Whitney. I had sent out an email to some of the usual Texas suspects, asking if anyone wanted to meet for breakfast up there on Sunday, since I might be in the neighborhood - and just before I was ready to take off, I got a call from Scorch who already had his gear packed, and said he'd meet me for the night - I guess when you retire, you've got nothing but time on your hands....(it must be lonely, hanging around airports with a tin cup, looking for fuel donations....).

The hour and twenty flight up to Whitney was hazy, but smooth, and I was soon settled into my folding chair, the tent set up took three different placings to avoid a plethora of sticker bushes!), and Ross was landing before I knew it. We decided a hike was in order, walked the length of the runway, then tried the one and only "nature trail" - a path through the woods a little less than a mile, marked with spray painted red and blue arrows on the forest floor - and headed back to camp for a sandwich and crackers - hey, neither of us does this for the cuisine! From then on, it was sitting there talking airplanes and flying and seeing the stars and satellites come out.

We arranged to meet up with Doug for breakfast at Spinks in the morning, and decided it was easier to just stay on DST and get up with th sun. Interestingly enough, we both started stirring when we noticed it getting light - but is was the moon that had come up about an hour before the sun. We walked the length of the runway, and frankly, I think we could have used the crescent moon for take-off and landing lighting if we'd needed to. Even though the park was booked solid with campers for the weekend, we really felt out there by ourselves, since we were camped but the runway, away from eh regular camping areas. A great retreat.

I guess this trip should have been expected - a retired airline pilot and a NASA Ops guy, both planning to go to Petit Jean in two weeks...we needed the simulation to makes sure we were current and checked out! Leaving nothing to chance, we wanted to make sure that we still knew how to relax and shoot the bull....I hope the rest of you folks coming to Arkansas are up on the procedures - we don't want to have to work to hard to drag you along...:rolleyes:

RV's - I've said it many times before - can't beat them for instant and readily available transportation - even when your destination is just "outta here!"

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Thanks for the tin cup idea!:D LOE used up last Month and this Month's gas funds, so no Petit Jean camping for Becky and I unless the tin cup fills up fast!
One of these days

There I was....

At the hangar (At FWS) Sunday morning - prepping materials for a tank build, when over the Icom I hear a call to ground for taxi clearance; flight of two.

Well, whenever there is a "flight" call, especially with such smooth and professional brevity, I know it must be RVators. So I hop in the pickup and head over to my favorite takeoff viewing area near the hangar. A couple of minutes later, I see two RVs, in formation, taking off; turning to about 040 if I recall correctly.

Since I monitor 122.75 as well, I hear the post-takeoff atta-boys and critique (Mostly atta-boys). I get to experience, just briefly, a bit of the RV fellowship. Then, after the two-ship fades into the distance, I head back to the hangar to look at all my pieces and parts, laying on the bench, and think... One of these days...
There I was....

At the hangar (At FWS) Sunday morning - prepping materials for a tank build, when over the Icom I hear a call to ground for taxi clearance; flight of two.

Well, whenever there is a "flight" call, especially with such smooth and professional brevity, I know it must be RVators. So I hop in the pickup and head over to my favorite takeoff viewing area near the hangar. A couple of minutes later, I see two RVs, in formation, taking off; turning to about 040 if I recall correctly.

Since I monitor 122.75 as well, I hear the post-takeoff atta-boys and critique (Mostly atta-boys). I get to experience, just briefly, a bit of the RV fellowship. Then, after the two-ship fades into the distance, I head back to the hangar to look at all my pieces and parts, laying on the bench, and think... One of these days...


That was Ross Burgess as lead and me on the wing that you saw (Paul had taken off about 20 seconds earlier). In the neighborhood of 9am if I remember right. I'd forgotten until just now that you hangar at that airport. I should have called to invite you (won't forget to do that again).

Spinks has a perfect runway for formation takeoffs - each half of it is wider than our strip at 52F.

Sorry we missed you!

Since I monitor 122.75 as well, I hear the post-takeoff atta-boys and critique (Mostly atta-boys). I get to experience, just briefly, a bit of the RV fellowship. Then, after the two-ship fades into the distance, I head back to the hangar to look at all my pieces and parts, laying on the bench, and think... One of these days...

I know how you feel Joe! I live almost due east of the Savannah GA airport, which puts me right under the approach to runway 09. I was in the workshop, plugging away on some baggage compartment work, and listening to ATC on a handheld. I heard them telling someone "Traffic is an RV-8 on a five-mile final for 09". Five miles out puts them right over my house, so I stepped outside. Sure enough, I heard the engine, and then the RV passed directly overhead, just loafing along. Cool!
And I could swear I heard some RV-9A parts move around just a little. Maybe they were anxious to get up there with their cousin...
Interestingly enough, we both started stirring when we noticed it getting light - but is was the moon that had come up about an hour before the sun.

That's a really bizarre feeling, isn't it? Even more so when it happens at 0200. Nothing stirring at that time, except for the scavengers.

Lots of times I sleep by 2100 when out-of-doors and that makes for plenty of down time until 0600. Not much to do between an 0200 wake-up and the 0630 coffee deadline so I usually watch stars (raccoons are too wily in the woods). More than one camper has woken with a start wondering why the campfire suddenly came back to life "in the middle of the night". Silly camper, this is "early morning"!
airport closed

I was looking at the most recent dfw chart and noticed lake Whitney state park airport is closed. :-( I don't know how long it has been closed. Amanda and I last flew there in summer of 2014. Sad to lose such a neat little airport.
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I was looking at the most recent dfw chart and noticed lake Whitney state park airport is closed. :-( I don't know how long it has been closed. Amanda and I last flew there in summer of 2014. Sad to lose such a neat little airport.

It closed sometime before Nov 1. I'd heard it was closed and flew down for a look. I emailed the Texas DOT Aviation Section a few minutes ago. I'll post whatever I learn from them here.
email to/from TxDOT Aviation Division

Here is some information on the closing of Lake Whitney Airport F50 in Texas. I may email TX Parks and Wildlife.

My email to the TX Dot Aviation Division:
Last fall I flew to Whitney State Park intending to land at airport F50. It was closed. I was wondering if that is a permanent closing or temporary, and if permanent what caused it to close. I am sure it did not get much use. I would go there every few months for a picnic.
Loved it. Thanks.

And the nice reply I received:
Thanks for your e-mail.

As far as TxDOT Aviation Division is aware, the Whitney State Park airport has been closed permanently.

This airport was wholly owned and funded by Texas Parks and Wildlife when it was open. The superintendent for the park filed with the FAA to close the airport. As there were no state or federal funds invested in the airport, neither the FAA nor TxDOT Aviation has any say as to the closure. In any case, we are sorry to see this wonderful airport closed.

I hope this answers your question.

William B. Gunn
TxDOT Aviation Division