
Might be a dumb question, but has anyone used a spring gear on an RV-3? I am doing a plans-build (no kits and minimal prefabs), and don't really like the feel of the rod gear.
How would you connect the spring gear?

Might make more sense if you were adding a nose wheel...... and a gear box.
That would be the question - has anyone looked at a way to do this, re building a box? Not interested in a nosewheel.

If I remember right the Murphy VM-7 aerobatic monoplane was an adaptation of the -3 design, and did use a spring gear.
Grove makes spring gear, there was a discussion in the RV-8 section about converting aircraft that had ground looped and damaged the gear box portion of the fuselage. This would be the one piece aluminum gear, two piece gear sets are also depicted. Here is a link:
Is this what you have in mind?
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