
Not really disappointed, but when I saw the title "Spotted Cow", I got a bit excited. You see, I'm also a beer brewer and New Glarus of Wisconsin is one of my favorite breweries. "Spotted Cow" is one of their most popular beers. I enjoy their "unplugged" series most, especially the berliner weiss! I hope all you guys at OSH are enjoying some great Wisconsin beers. I hope to be there next year.

I saw my first Spotted Cow this week in OSH myself. Titan Underground
had several dozen stored in the basement. There aren't as many now :D
I just got lucky and, having stumbled into a bar at Oshkosh, ordered the first thing I saw that, a) looked like a somewhat local micro-brew, and b) was not available in Texas.

It as the sacred cow juice so acclaimed elsewhere. Having stumbled in I, in the immortal word's of W.C. Fields, "stumbled on for many days thereafter..."
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Rainy Day at OSH Video.

In addition to seeing Doug at 1:20. That was my son in the Vans Air Force hat being interviewed at 00:44.

I thought he did a good job.