
Well Known Member
Just let my spot tracker subscription expire as I use the system very infrequently these days (fewer long distance flights) and at $175 per year not inexpensive. I did however like the ability for the spouse to track me via a web page when I do go long distances (Osh for example).

What are the tracker alternatives these days? Is APRS still an option or some iPhone based app that tracks towers when in range? If I get ADSB out can flighttrack or similar apps track you?

For most of the continental USA above 1500AGL, APRS Has good coverage. However, you should not let family and friends get the false impression it is "reliable".

While I have had very good coverage, I occasionally get a "concerned message" from a family member when they don't see my tracker progressing. Sometimes it's a dead zone in the gap in the distribution of digipeater, insufficient iGates in an area, or the website displaying the track got confused and doesn't display some messages or they are out of order.

A friend always includes a disclaimer when sharing my APRS link with anyone:

Standard disclaimer ? the APRS system relies on a network of club and privately owned digital Amateur Radio stations. The overall success of the tracking is dependent on a whole list of factors, including the fact that these stations don?t exist everywhere. The APRS system is done on VHF radio frequencies. When it works it works, when it doesn?t it doesn?t.​
Followmee app

In doing some research I found an app for the iPhone called followmee that seems somewhat similar to the spot tracker. Takes GPS coordinates at 10 min intervals and allows web viewing of track and other download options into google earth etc, also stores track points on the phone when out of coverage area and then uploads when back in coverage. If flying high of course there would be big gaps in tracking intervals for the web viewer but not a bad approach to try for $8.

I have been using The free website version shows live and 7 days history of ADS-B tracks. Select data/history and enter the N number. I also paid a couple of bucks for the app for my wife's phone and set it to alert when I'm airborne. Does all we need.
I've checked flightradar24 several times and it rarely has my flights. I'm not sure if it only works with IFR and flight-following flights or some other set of criteria.
I've checked flightradar24 several times and it rarely has my flights. I'm not sure if it only works with IFR and flight-following flights or some other set of criteria.

VFR and no flight following. Works every time for me. 2020 compliant ADS-B in/out. Usually doesn't show unless I'm above 1000'agl, though.
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FlightRadar24 tracks and stores ADS-B equipped traffic, even if VFR with no flight following as long as it is within sight of a ground ADS-B receiver. All my VFR flights show up on FlightRadar24.

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Interesting notes about flightradar24. I have checked at least one ADSB in/out aircraft and its flight was not listed.

According to FlightAware24:
Can FlightAware track VFR flights?
In the US and Europe, this is not officially supported although some VFR aircraft with flight following are available on the position maps but it is largely unreliable and arrival/departure/flight plan data is often not available. VFR flight plans are irrelevant and only used by FSS for search and rescue. We suggest ensuring that aircraft are on an IFR flight plan from wheels up to wheels down for proper tracking.​

Usually doesn't show unless I'm above 1000'agl, though.

This makes sense since flightradar24 data is from transponders and that data needs to be received somewhere.

Update: I just flew and verified flightaware24 had my VFR flight track but only while I was flying. When I checked 30 minutes after landing, I was no longer in their data.
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Update: I just flew and verified flightaware24 had my VFR flight track but only while I was flying. When I checked 30 minutes after landing, I was no longer in their data.

Did you try their PLAYBACK function? It stores the data for about 5 days and you can play it back at different speeds.


+1 for APRS. No fee, works great, relatively inexpensive to get started. Getting your license is not hard, it just takes a few days of memorizing the test answers.
Yeah, apparently not hard at all. Tanya had never heard of a 1/4 wave antenna. She thumbed through the material one evening while watching TV and asked me a couple of questions, then took the test the next morning. Her only comment was "Wow, that was a weird group of people taking the test. You owe me." :).

I on the other hand am only authorized to turn the power on or off by the radio operator.