
Well Known Member
In November Van's put a notification concerning "Spot Trace".....what is this pertaining too? Guess I've been asleep at the switch (or have had my head buried in my engine cowl work up too long!) 😎
If you do a Google search on Spot Trace you will find a lot of information. It is a theft tracing system for (in this case) the aircraft.
see current deals

SPOT offering free devices with the first year activation and subscription, about $150 for the SPOT and $100? for the trace.
worth looking at.
apparently AOPA members get 'free' devices as well.

welcome to the cellphone world!

caveat; they are not great at processing rebates, you need to track and stay on top of them, keep all your purchase info and serial numbers etc.
I think the money would be better spent on a canopy lock system. I wish Vans had incorporated one in the design. Since mine is an ELSA it was one of my first modifications after the airworthiness certificate was issued.