
Well Known Member
Okay, I was kinda bashing SPOT on another thread after I paid $150 for the unit + $100 for the subscription (no tracking). Then 3 months later they were giving the units away at OSH if you bought a subscription. All is forgiven, I was being petty and bitter, SPOT is worth the money triple the price!

I decided to test the 911 feature to see how they responded and how fast. :eek: I went on line and changed my 911 message to let them know this was only an unscheduled, unofficial test.

At 9:00 am CST I activated the 911 button. :cool:

At 9:02.10 they called. That is a 2 min 10 second response time to call the first contact number. :eek: The operator that called was from the Internation Emergency Response Center and he said the next step would have been to escalate the help response if they were unable to reach the primany or secondary contact number you provide on line when you set the account up. They are gathering information and assessing the "emergency situation" to send an appropriate response team as needed. They would call the nearest 911 center and give them your GPS coordinates. It is nice to know this really works as advertised in the event of an emergency. This is why I bought it, and it works!

I even had the unit in my PU truck, on the dash, under a tree, just to "kinda" simulate a forced landing.

I am totally impressed with SPOT and I want to encourage all to give this safety product serious consideration. If not for you, for your family, friends, and passengers who depend on you.

It is very important to have a good description of you, and to keep your on line contacts up to date so SPOT response can call you or your family members in the event of an emergency.

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I want to try this with my 406 MHz PLB when it is time to replace the battery. Of course I will coordinate the test with the appropriate agency by phone before I do it.
Thanks Louise & Larry.

I really agonized over doing this. False alarms are never a good thing, but figured if I did it right and let them know ahead of time (on my 911 profile) it was a test it would be kinda okay. I must say the response was WAY faster than I thought. Very reassuring.
2 minutes!! it takes me longer than that to respond to my alarm clock!! :D

thanks for the great report! glad your happy with it :cool:

I've always wondered how fast the response would be. Thank you,

Hey, when did you change your "careful" spelling In your signature? :p
