
Well Known Member
So I got lazy at KGKY and called the FBO for the fuel truck to come fill up my plane, at my hangar.

I get to talking to the fella that's fueling up my plane. He say's "have you ever heard of an RV-12?" I told him I sure had, and that I had built an RV-12 to about the 90-95% mark before selling it to a gentleman in Iowa.

He then said that his father had just won the 2014 Sporty's Contest, and had won a brand-new signature series RV-12! I thought it was pretty cool hearing his excitement. They are going to get the plane in the coming weeks.

Be on the lookout around the DFW airspace for the new Signature-series, Sporty's RV-12!

** Mod's please move this to RV-12 section. I thought I was posting in that section. Sorry. ** [ed. Done! dr]
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So I got lazy at KGKY and called the FBO for the fuel truck to come fill up my plane, at my hangar.

I get to talking to the fella that's fueling up my plane. He say's "have you ever heard of an RV-12?" I told him I sure had, and that I had built an RV-12 to about the 90-95% mark before selling it to a gentleman in Iowa.

He then said that his father had just won the 2014 Sporty's Contest, and had won a brand-new signature series RV-12! I thought it was pretty cool hearing his excitement. They are going to get the plane in the coming weeks.

Be on the lookout around the DFW airspace for the new Signature-series, Sporty's RV-12!

** Mod's please move this to RV-12 section. I thought I was posting in that section. Sorry. ** [ed. Done! dr]

Sounds like it is going to a deserving soul - if he working as a lineman doing his ratings - building 1500 hours in an RV-12 is sure the cheapest way I can think of to do it.
He's got his commercial rating, and when work is available, he flies oil field workers around in a 182. Works on the line when not flying.

He was a really cool guy to talk to. And as mentioned in the Van's article, it was a wild way to win the plane: his father is NOT a pilot. But his dad had signed up on an automatic plan with Sporty's, that always sends his son updated charts. When new charts/sectionals become available, it automatically charges his dads credit card and mails the charts to his son. One of these lucky credit cards receipts sealed the deal!

On a side note, the taxes are going to be stiff for someone who wasn't expecting to pay that big lump sum all at once. I was told that they are going to look for a partner to buy into the plane at a percentage.....just in case anyone around DFW (north Texas) is looking to partner on a brand-new factory built RV-12! Could be a real nice deal for someone.

Take care,
Thought the same thing.....

Good news: you've won an RV-12!

Bad news: you've won an RV-12 and you now have ~$125,000 additional income to pay taxes on.

Will he also owe sales tax to the State of Texas?
True, but remember he's getting a 125 K airplane for about 25 K. Should be easy to get a loan for the tax bill with the plane as collateral.
Good news: you've won an RV-12!

Bad news: you've won an RV-12 and you now have ~$125,000 additional income to pay taxes on.

Will he also owe sales tax to the State of Texas?

No sales tax to Texas. One less thing for them to worry about! :cool:
True, but remember he's getting a 125 K airplane for about 25 K. Should be easy to get a loan for the tax bill with the plane as collateral.

Yep we discussed that in our brief conversation, but he's first going to try to find a partner to buy in. That share ($) will quickly pay the tax bill. :)
We were driving somewhere today and I told my wife about someone winning at the RV 12. She asked me if I was going to just call Sporty's, or send them a registered letter to complain that they had given my plane away to someone else. I do love her so. :)