
Well Known Member
I'm looking for feedback on the PJ2 comm only vs the SP-400 which has a nav function as well. The most appealing feature on the PJ2 is the fact that you can plug your headset directly in to the top of the raido.

*Both of these will be used for general "around the hangar use" and emergency back up in the plane.
I just bought a PJ2 for backup comms in the RV. Fit and finish is just a little off in some areas, although I can be pretty picky about small stuff like that. But it works fine, it's easy to use, the price is right, the built-in headset jacks are great, and it can be powered from a 2.4 amp USB port - just the ticket for a backup radio. And unlike handhelds from other manufacturers (cough...Yaesu...cough), I don't have to press a "liability acknowledgement" button before the radio will work.

I've carried aviation handhelds with a VOR/LOC nav feature for 30+ years and never once used that function. YMMV :)


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I have both the PJ2 and the Yaesu. The PJ2 is a lot easier to use...the menu structure of the Yaesu is best described as "arcane". The main reason I got the PJ2, however, is that my headset can plug into it, or not, unlike the Yaesu where you have to make a or the other. Range is limited, so not that useful in the air (but better than nothing). As to "around the hangar"...where I am, neither radio will hit the local AWOS or CTAF from inside the hangar. Needs an aux antenna.
Gents - Thanks for the feedback! I think I'll give the PJ2 a shot. I'm surprised that more radios aren't available with the direct headset plug in.