
Hi all. Was planning on taking ground school next spring at the Redstone Arsenal Flying Activity (RAFA), but have recently been looking at Sporty's online course. The temptation to start now rather than wait till spring is pretty strong! I have a few questions that I was hoping someone here could shed some light on.

1) How's Sporty's course compare to an actual instructor led class? I had completely written off online training until I looked into Sporty's; looks like it is pretty well done and _may_ be as effective as a class.

2) How essential are the books, etc? Pretty expensive through Sporty's, much cheaper through RAFA (they sell the Jeppensen kit and it's over $100 less than sporty's kit).

3) I'm confused; does passing Sporty's online test count as passing the FAA written exam??? From Sporty's website, "Earn your written test sign-off directly from the course ? no CFI needed!" -sounds to good to be true.

4) Anything else I should know/consider?

Thanks for any and all input. I'm getting close to fulfilling a lifelong dream. :)
Online vs. Classroom

I think it really depends on how you learn as an individual. I participated in a classroom ground school for my Private test preparation; it was a good class, taught by an excellent instructor and I scored well on the written. Having said that, I felt held back by the pace of the instruction since the instructor had to accommodate a wide range of students.

I used a self-paced course for my Instrument test preparation and also scored well on the exam. I enjoyed the self-paced instruction much more than the classroom sessions. My instructor and I also went over the material as part of our pre-flight ground sessions, so I had the best of both worlds.

Sporty's has a good format, but I'd also recommend that you check into other products (King, etc.) to find the teaching format you're most comfortable with before you buy.


I actually took groundschool at my local flying club but did buy the sporty's ppl kit as an aid. I personally believe the King product is much better, just my opinion. Also, I would not buy the online course, I would buy the DVD course from one of the suppliers. You dont need the internet, you can study on any laptop or tv, you have paper copies of the books etc.. and when done you can sell it for 1/2 or 2/3 what you paid. Mine sold easily right here or you can use ebay. Sellling it will pay for an hour wet.

Good luck.
I used the Sporty's VHS tape course quite some time ago...

...and passed my written. I later "looked" at the King course and I liked their format better.

Once you complete the video ground school, you get a certificate of completion that allows you to sign up for the FAA written test.

As far as video course vs human instructor, that is up to your own preference. My particular learning mode started about 4am and was good for several hours before family / day job/ demanded their share of my attention.
Test signoff

The written test signoff they are talking about is a document that allows you to take the FAA test at a testing center and normally has to be signed by an instructor. You still have to take the FAA test.

I really enjoyed my private pilot course as it was taught by an instructor with thousands of hours and 25+ years flying experience. I learned a lot more than just the basics to pass the test.

try the community college


I just passed my FAA written 2 days ago.

Turns out the community college was offering an 8 week "not for grade" class that was basically a study for the written class.

cost $250 included Gleim book, E6B, plotter, and a great instructor that gave everyone a sign off to take the test if the student was doing well on the practice exams. It worked... I got a %92

Just a thought. I needed the structure of committing one night a week for lecture. then I studied one night each week as well.

If I can do it..you can for sure:p


Tom Longfellow
I did my ground school at home with a set of used Jep books. $50. Missed one question on the written.

The Sporty's practice tests are great!

Thanks for everyone's input. I'm thinking that the online courses don't offer any advantage over the class for me so I'll probably wait until it's offered again in the spring at RAFA. Especially since the "cert" through sporty's is just permission to take the written.

Waiting also gives me more time to squirrel away more money for flight instruction before I start.

Thanks again!