
Hello veteran builders ..

I am signed up to take the "RV Aircraft Assembly" course in January - then to begin the build of a -7 shortly thereafter. Based on all your experience, is there any particular part of the course I should pay special attention to?

Yes, I will pay attention to the "entire course", but were there any parts that you felt you should have practiced more in class as it was harder during the beginning build?? Any other suggestions (items I should bring)?

Thanks in advance - I am just trying to minimize my February replacement part order from Vans :)
I attended the RV class last month...

in Lawrence, MA. Ed McGowan was the instructor. It was fantastic. Never having built anything out of rivets, it demystified the process and I made a nice airfoil. It sat in the china cabinet in the dining room for a few days until my wife spotted it.

What to pay attention to? Pay attention to your riveters air pressure setting, before you drive rivet number one. I beat the that first flat piece into a bowl in just about no time. When Ed saw me bouncing around the room, he and a couple of the other fellows were kind enough to catch me and Ed readjusted my 3X and it was pretty good. He did say he would have to watch me a bit closer however.

I met some fine people, learned that I can do this work and think it was a
great way to spend a weekend. I intend to go to other classes as they become available in the area.
When I went at the end of class you could either take home the completed project or take home a new kit as we worked in pairs. I took home the kit to allow for more practice. The only thing I wish I had done differently was have the emp kit at home waiting for me when I got back as it has been about two months and I finaly ordered the kit (should be here next week). You will learn a lot and it is a good opportunity to make mistakes and learn how to fix those mistakes. Practice everything even if you do not have to. I drilled out a few rivits just so I could try it with the help in the room if I messed it up.
Pay attention to how pieces are secured (clamped) before riveting.
Pay attention to how to align gun-rivet-bucking bar to prevent lopsided shop head
Pay attention to how NOT to use your hands instead of clamps while drilling, it will also minimize weight of your DNA riveted to the airframe:)