Active Member
Does anyone have experience with the EAA SportAir sheet metal basics workshop? I know many have attended another SportAir workshop specifically for RV assembly. From the online description, I can't tell for sure how much different the two courses are. I was all set on attending a RV assembly course until I received a brochure this week indicating the sheet metal workshop was coming to Dallas in March. It sure would be more convenient to stay in town.

I attended the one in Dallas a couple of years ago. I will be doing the flight
test one this year. As for the sheet metal class, it will help you with the knowledge and the "Ins and outs" of the tools etc. It is very well organised and I do recommend it if you have zero metal knowledge. It will give you the confidence to press on in your build. Any more questions give me a shout.
snip... I can't tell for sure how much different the two courses are... snip

I too am curious, and interested in attending one or the other - hopefully here on the left coast. But since I am initially considering doing the RV12 as my first kit... and it has pulled rivets... not sure which class would benefit me more.

Anybody been to both or can offer advice on the classes?

Thanks!! DJ
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I attended the SportAir sheet metal class (and a few others) back before they had a specific RV class and before I started building (late 90's). I thought the class was first rate. At that time, you would build a project (a small airfoil section) that would basically introduce you to all the kinds of drilling and riveting you would encounter in a typical project (including pop rivets). Van has a similar practice kit that he now sells.

While I have not attended the RV specific session, I would think either would provide you with a good introduction to what you will be doing on the RV. If you like the class, you'll be ready for your tail kit.

I thought it was a very worthwhile investment of a weekend and gave me the confidence I needed to get started. (I had no previous knowledge of anything related to sheet metal work.) If either course is in your area, I recommend you give it a try.

A Great Class!!

I too took the basic sheetmetal class when they offered it here in Frederick, MD, and it was perfect! I got to try all the tools they had and try my hand at building the small airfoil they provided. Perfect when you can't or don't want to travel to the RV Assembly class. You'll definitely be ready to go ahead and order that tail kit... and you'll know what tools to buy!

The other side of the coin is that the RV Assembly class actually has you assemble your tail kit on the premises in a week, I believe. You will have been able to avoid many of the mistakes that many of us have made during the tail build. Having SportAir's experts on hand allows you to move along at a rapid pace for the week and be ready for the wing kit already! Correct me folks if I'm wrong about any of this.

For me, the basic sheetmetal class was just perfect to give the knowledge and confidence to get me started. Good luck!
Two different things. EAA/SportAir offers the Basic Sheet Metal class mentioned, or an RV Assembly class; (which, as far as I can see from the description is 1.5 days of sheet metal and .5 days to discuss other RV construction issues).


Alternatively, there are places that offer a class for you to build your tail kit in their shop and with help/instruction.
RV Assembly Workshop

For anybody that has attended... does this class cover sheet metal work as well as the "Basic Sheet Metal" EAA class?

I went online to see if the EAA website had been updated with more '08 classes. The only class I see (of the two) out here in SoCal is the RV assembly, so I am not sure if I should take that, or wait for the sheet metal class. The class is at Flabob. Any locals recommend this site/instructors?

On a side note... it printed out the class flyer, and handed it to my wife. She said "am I going?" I asked if she wanted to. She said yes. Do I have an awesome little wife, or what?! :D


Edit: she saw this... and said "yeah... I have to make sure you do it right!"
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I took the RV class ages ago, late 99, great class. Spent 2 days building the airfoil section, learning how to use various tools, prepping the materials and one evening discussing RV specific building tips/sequences. Except for the RV info it sounds like the sheet metal class description. My guess is either will get you off to a good start.
I believe Master RV'er Dan Checkoway is the RV class instructor, drop him a PM.
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