
Active Member
Getting ready to install uAvionics ADS-B that I bought from GRT, will be hooking it up to a Sport SX EFIS to display traffic and weather. The instructions say connect the blue wire from ADS-B to the high speed serial port 4 in the EFIS. I currently have an SL-30 in serial port 4. Will something else work so I can have both on my Sport SX ?
Did you buy GRT's SafeFly GPS unit with the Echo? If so you can hook the SL-30 to one of the extra serial ports on the GPS d-sub. I have both my SL-30 and the EIS serial data connected to mine, works fine.
On the earlier Sport HS units only serial port 4 was a high speed port (could be set to 115K baud) and this may be why the GRT instructions recommend using serial port 4. All of the Sport SX serial ports are High Speed. If you have a spare serial port available then you can use it for your ADSB input from the Echo UAT.

If you don't have a spare input port then what LARS said, use the serial port expansion capability of the Safe-Fly GPS unit for connecting the SL-30. The SL-30 baud rate is 9600 and you only use it occasionally to tune the radio so accessing the SL30 via the expansion port will work fine.

I ended up moving the SL-30 wires to the expanded serial bus on the new unit (thanks Lars and James) and putting the ADSB on serial port 4 of the Sport SX, working fine...
..except, I'm getting a traffic alert that is me. I didn't see anywhere how to eliminate my plane as a target. Any ideas ?
I am also installing the uAvionix Echo /safefly gps with my existing Sport SX.
I dont see where the directions specify to connect the blue wire to port 4. Where do you see that?
Maybe the instructions have been updated since the original post?

. I'm getting a traffic alert that is me. I didn't see anywhere how to eliminate my plane as a target. Any ideas ?

Somewhere in the MAIN menu you can turn on OWNSHIP filter that will block you.