
Active Member
Helle everyone,

I am 15 hrs pilot ( 6 hrs on Champ and rest on 172 ) just bought a RV12 ( needs to complete it with engine ) thinking of doing rest of dual training on -12 as its finished.

An CFII with many hrs on RV's other than -12 would work ( is there any restriction as it will be ELSA ) ? my insurance will cover him.

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Let me be the first to welcome you to VAF and the RV-12 contingent. Let us know a little more about the RV-12 you have purchased or intend to purchase. Is it a kit partially completed? I'm in Davenport, and love the RV-12. Built mine in a year about 4 years ago. Notice you are in Ames. There is a very good group of experienced builders in Boone, IA that will help you.

Don't be shy. Ask any question here and you will get a bunch of help.

With regard to learning to fly in the RV-12 (whether it is built as an E-LSA or E-AB), I do not think that will be a problem if you own the aircraft and are compensating the CFII just for his time. Others may want to comment.

First off, welcome to the community. You will not need a CFII for your training. A CFI will be sufficient, since you will not be working on an instrument rating in a '12. Neither will your instructor need "many hours in RV's other than -12". The RV-12 is very easy to fly and some experience in a similar design, and a few hours of familiarization should be plenty for a current and competent instructor. As a matter of fact, if you could engage the services of the CFI who will train you to do the FAA required initial flights, you could kill two birds with one stone.

You did not say if you were new to building, or an old hand at it. Either way, welcome to the club, and feel free to bring your questions here.

Welcome to the group!

The 5 hours will need to be flown off by someone with a license. You may be able to find someone in a local EAA chapter that would do that for you. You could even send your CFI to transition training.

The 12 is a fun build and I'm confident that it will be a fun flyer. I've only sat in one 12 and the back seat of one 8, never flown in one. :(

How far along is the build? What builder number was the original build? Just curious.

Anyway, we plan on my wife learning to fly in our 12 and I imagine my father-in-law will get current in it and pick back up his passion for flying.

Helle everyone,

I am 15 hrs pilot ( 6 hrs on Champ and rest on 172 ) just bought a RV12 ( needs to complete it with engine ) thinking of doing rest of dual training on -12 as its finished.

An CFII with many hrs on RV's other than -12 would work ( is there any restriction as it will be ELSA ) ? my insurance will cover him.

Your experience may vary, but my experience with insuring both an RV-12 and an RV-6 is that your CFI will have to be "named insured" on your policy. With the RV-12, hopefully the insurance company will be satisfied with his/her total hours and experience, but I would not be surprised to see a "time in make & model" requirement.
thanks much to all of you, I have no expereince in building and plane is coming on this weekend from Texas ( engine I will order in April from VANs ). Was a little hesitant before your replies to get my training on -12.

thanks and regards
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We have a 12 dedicated to flight instruction, and it works great! Several have gotten their licenses in it, and we have had no problems. There is a lot of interest in using the 12 for training, and it does a fine job, plus IMHO it is a much more "fun" airplane than the Cessnas. Make sure it has had all the Service Bulletins fixed. The instructor may well have to be named on the policy. I know of at least one instance where the company required two hours for a CFI to fly the plane, but only one hour for the already-licensed owner. Just do what they say...

I too am planing to Learn to fly the RV12 I am building. Please keep me posted on what you learn. I have about 1 year to go. Just finished section 32.