
Active Member
I guess I need some hand holding here. I just installed the GRT ARINC module. I am trying to get my Sport EX to talk to my TruTrak autopilot thru the ARNIC module I just purchased. All I have in this configuration is the Sport and the ARNIC and the TruTrak. Before I train the wires all back up I am trying to ensure I have it connected correctly. I believe the ARINC module is talking to the autopilot because the autopilot mode goes to GPSS upon first push of the Mode button. However I have not been able to see any counting on the Sport serial port assigned to the ARINC. Also, it seem like I should be doing something to turn this serial port "on", but I see no selection in the menu to assign the port to an ARNIC.
Anybody got any ideas.
The ARINC should be connected to a GPS. The TT should be connected to the EFIS via a serial connection.
The EFIS drives the TT, based on what it gets from the GPS via the ARINC connection.
There are diagrams on the GRT website that show this...
First, I have an HX so some of this may be wrong.
Second, see post #2. I think you need that software.
Third, what is it you're trying to do here? What you really need the ARINC lines for are vertical commands and gpss commands. What nav sources are you using?
If you have a GPS with vertical (GS) guidance (Garmin 400, 500, 650, 750, or comparable from other manufacturers) then here is what you need:
Run one ARINC pair from the EFIS arinc OUT to both (splice in some wires) the arinc IN for the GPS, and the arinc IN for the TruTrak (run this pair thru a DPDT switch). Run another pair of wires from the GPS arinc OUT to both (splice in another pair) the EFIS arinc IN, and the arinc in for the TruTrak (run this pair thru the remaining poles on the DPDT switch). Keep A to A, and B to B. If you put the switch to run the gps arinc direct to the TT, then the gps will drive the TT even if the efis is inop. But normally, select the switch so the efis drives the TT. Go to the GRT web site, look at the wiring diagrams for the HX. A picture is worth a thousand words.IF you have an ILS receiver but no gps, just hook up the one arinc line from the efis (arinc OUT) to the TT (arinc IN). Keep A to A, B to B.
To add to Bob's post.

Your Sport EX will perform lateral functions as is. Without the AP software the only vertical function it will provide is altitude hold.

In my GRT system (old Sport HS), ARINC is connected to Serial Port 4. On the first page of Setup there is a line that says ARINC Module connected - Yes, next lines are the speeds Low and then ARINC counter which is changing. I don't have anything connected to the serial port that is physically on the ARINC module and the Setup shows Serial 4 In and Out set to Off.

This page from GRT shows the connection to an autopilot: http://grtavionics.com/media/Horizon-430W.pdf

You need the ARINC for GPSS steering and the serial connection for flight plans and waypoints.

If your ARINC counter is changing it sounds like you are fine.

Hope this helps.

Jim Butcher
Thanks for all the input! Turns out, I had everything hooked up correctly. But you just can't do much checkout on the ground because at zero airspeed the trutrak thinks its stalling and just wants to push the nose down. Sometimes I'm a little slow too.
Flew the plane yesterday and all seems to be working perfectly. Fly's the "synthetic" approach as advertised .