Steve Ashby

Well Known Member
Yesterday I attended the Sport Air Workshop on test flying your aircraft. It is one of the most useful seminars I have ever attended. Our instructor, Bill "Pos" Posnett, was a navy test pilot at Pax River. He certainly was extremely knowledgeable and incredibly interesting. I know some think that it is a safe bet to have someone else test fly your baby, but, as my good friend and 7A builder Sam Beale, says, that would be like someone else breaking in your new wife on your wedding night. Test flying your home built, like parenthood, is a popular ameteur sport. Well, this seminar changes all of that. Pos gave us some great strategies to reduce or eliminate the chance that hour first flight will create a smoking hole featured on the 6:00 news. When I finally get to the point where sweet baby is going to fly, I will have a solid plan which reduces risk and enhances the chances for an uneventful flight, thanks to this workshop. And a real bonus; it's free! A grant from EAA covered the cost of the entire workshop for all 16 participants. I hardily recommend it.
Good info Steve. Was the workshop all or mostly about the first flight, or did he go into some of the testing after that. In particular did he discuss generating performance numbers?

I've got 200+ hours on my -8 but don't have a really good set of performance numbers for the POH. There's good info in the -8 construction book and I bought another book about test flying that gives some of the info, but need to learn more and then get started.
Yesterday I attended the Sport Air Workshop on test flying your aircraft. It is one of the most useful seminars I have ever attended. Our instructor, Bill "Pos" Posnett, was a navy test pilot at Pax River. He certainly was extremely knowledgeable and incredibly interesting. I know some think that it is a safe bet to have someone else test fly your baby, but, as my good friend and 7A builder Sam Beale, says, that would be like someone else breaking in your new wife on your wedding night. Test flying your home built, like parenthood, is a popular ameteur sport. Well, this seminar changes all of that. Pos gave us some great strategies to reduce or eliminate the chance that hour first flight will create a smoking hole featured on the 6:00 news. When I finally get to the point where sweet baby is going to fly, I will have a solid plan which reduces risk and enhances the chances for an uneventful flight, thanks to this workshop. And a real bonus; it's free! A grant from EAA covered the cost of the entire workshop for all 16 participants. I hardily recommend it.

Steve, I was at the fabric workshop going on at the same time/location. Although I have already made the first flight of the first airplane I built, it would be interesting to get a synopsis from you of what Mr. Posnett said... I hope to make several more first flights in upcoming years.
I attended SportAir workshop at AirVenture and it was extremely interesting. I came after it started and this gentleman was the lecturer. Do not remember his name but he was test pilot too. I would strongly recommend to use every opportunity to attend his lecture.


The course is very comprehensive

The photo you posted is of Pos. I think he is the only guy who teaches this course for Sport Air. The class covers all of phase one, not just the first flight. It will give you great confidence.
I usually assist with this course when it is in Dallas.
It IS a very good presentation!
Do you know if any of the information is available to those who are interested, but cannot attend? Either in some type of on-line or printed format?
I'll be there, Joe...

A friend and I have signed up for that course. Looking forward to it! I sat in on Bill Posnett's forum at OSH this summer. As a Flight Advisor, I received some good info from Pos.
Here are some good resources

For those of you that cannot attend this excellent (and free) workshop, there are some good written resource materials you can access. Go to and download these two FAA advisory circulars: AC-20-27F and AC-90-89A. There is also a good circular on weight and balance calculations at AC-91-23A. You can also read "Understanding Performance Flight Testing" by Hubert Smith, available through Amazon. A search of EAA's website might also prove helpful. I hope this helps.
Good Info Steve!

For those of you that cannot attend this excellent (and free) workshop, there are some good written resource materials you can access. Go to and download these two FAA advisory circulars: AC-20-27F and AC-90-89A. There is also a good circular on weight and balance calculations at AC-91-23A. You can also read "Understanding Performance Flight Testing" by Hubert Smith, available through Amazon. A search of EAA's website might also prove helpful. I hope this helps.
BTW AC 20-27 has been updated to AC 20-27G as of 9/30/2009.